Monday, May 16, 2011

Hello everybody!

I am somewhat glad, at least, that it seems people have been as busy as I have since March? Haha, I hope everyone is doing well, what are people up to??

I decided this morning as I walked in a (sadly regular) few minutes late to work, that New Years' Resolutions should actually become biannual. By May or June, those first fleeting months of burning ambition and enthusiasm to improve your life is almost completely abandoned! Biannual resolutions should hypothetically recharge that ambition until the next New Year rolls around again, therefore making us all more successful, confident, and self-satisfied beings, right???

Along with arriving on time to work (which I know my boss can at least appreciate...), I've resolved to gain the drive and enthusiasm back into Weight Watchers. Looking at the next few weeks before summer, life probably won't be the most healthy as far as things like... free time.. exercise... sleep... but at the very least, I am shooting for and praying please God, no matter what at least help me count!!... nooo really.

Over the past week I've been preparing myself to get back into the mental state of losing weight, and I finally started counting again today. I held my breath as I got on the scale this morning... I'm up 4 pounds since March. You know you messed up when eTools tells you your Daily Point Target went up instead of down. x.x Honestly, I'd anticipated worse and was glad that it wasn't more than that after my birthday celebrations. I'm taking the hits and trying to get going again.

Anybody having similar stories?? Jump on the bandwagon!! What are your biannual resolutions? ;)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Can I have a do Over?

Okay I don't know about everyone else but I am up 4 lbs after this weekend. Maybe if I had it to do over again, I would have cut the many cookies, layers of bean dip, oh yeah and the 6 or more tequlia shots and a dozen margaritas (they wee small glasses)...LOL, but then again maybe I wouldn't change a thing. I thought the weekend was a huge success and a great time. Kudos to all! BUT.....Now it is time to get serious again, we all need to get back on our LOSING STREAK! So we can become WINNERS! I am starting today. I went to bootcamp (with my spranged ankle) had a 7 point breakfast and I am ready to rock n rock with a successful week!! WHO IS IN?????

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'v Been least I thought

I was feeling guilty that I haven't blogged in a long time, but hey, neither has anyone else!! Where is everyone?? How's everyone doing? Mike and I are still kicking butt, exercising, eating a heck of alot healthier, but mostly just motivating each other to stay on track. I think that's the difference between now and any time before. I hope all is well with everyone else, I am feeling great! Love to all!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


How's everyone doing? I personally have been losing veeeery slowly but hey, losing is better than gaining, right? Hope everyone is doing awesome!!

Love you guys!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Ok for all of us who have fallen off the wagon, here is another opportunity for a fresh start! Today is FAT TUESDAY Eat UP! Tomorrow we start our fasting for Lent. It is like another New Year for new beginnings. Let's get refocused and move forward with our success!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Last week

Last week both Mike and I saw a lot of fluctuating with our weight. The scale went way down then way up again, we finally saw it get back to normal today...and it is just where we left it. But that means no weight loss last week. Bummer....thats not encouraging at all. Im just going to forget about it and start fresh again today!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March Madness!

Evveryboooddyyyy (yeah)
Rock your booody (yeah)
Everyboooddyyy (yeah)
Rock your body right
with Weight Watchers, ALL RIGHT!

Okay, now that I got that weird urge out of my system...

How is everybody?! I lost another 2.4 pounds this week, I'm down 19 pounds total!! I'm excited, but know that I need to start exercising more every day. It's really fallen to the wayside again, grr.... I was thinking about buying a couple cheap yoga and/or pilates videos that my doctor recommended to me. She says that yoga or pilates helps build muscles in your core, which is great because those muscles sit there burning more fat off your waist all day long even if you aren't really doing anything. They also improve your posture, which she says actually burns more calories than slouching? Well, I know my posture is horrendous, so I'd like to try it. She recommended a video that has workouts literally for 10 minutes a day. 10 MINUTES! Even if we're busy the entire day, we should be able to fit in 10 lousy minutes, right? Heck, that's how long I spend looking at my Facebook in the morning, and to think I could be working out instead...

So YOU! Yeah, YOU! What's up? :)