Monday, March 28, 2011

Can I have a do Over?

Okay I don't know about everyone else but I am up 4 lbs after this weekend. Maybe if I had it to do over again, I would have cut the many cookies, layers of bean dip, oh yeah and the 6 or more tequlia shots and a dozen margaritas (they wee small glasses)...LOL, but then again maybe I wouldn't change a thing. I thought the weekend was a huge success and a great time. Kudos to all! BUT.....Now it is time to get serious again, we all need to get back on our LOSING STREAK! So we can become WINNERS! I am starting today. I went to bootcamp (with my spranged ankle) had a 7 point breakfast and I am ready to rock n rock with a successful week!! WHO IS IN?????


  1. Maybe we could all send something you do everyday because it keeps you on track?? Or a great recipe that is low points. Anyone? I said this weekend that we use the soyrizo. 1 or 2oz for 1.5 points. Very good and easy!

  2. Hi Tia Diana!! I had a false start to this week..... It wasn't good. But today I am determined to make Wednesday my new Monday and do-over!! It's usually hard to start counting again while adjusting to my new schedule, but after a week or two I nail it. I don't want to slip any more than I already did over the past couple weeks, so let's do it!

  3. I have had a good 2 days. I have lost 2 of the 4 pounds I gained over the weekend! I hope to lose the rest before Sat. :)
