Tuesday, February 1, 2011

9 lbs. down and counting!!

Hello: I am happy to declare that I have lost 9 lbs so far. I can't believe how well I do on this cleanse. I know you all swear by WW but I have joined 7 times and cumulatively completed just around 2 weeks of it. I HATE IT!! I can't think in terms of points. Isn't it funny? I have given up gluten, corn, sugar, coffee, alcohol, beef, pork, white rice. I feel Fantastic though. Today I had a little bit of pita bread w/ some hummus and lamb and I have heart burn and felt really sluggish and tired again. As soon as I stop eating these things, my cravings go away and I don't get headaches or heartburn and my energy goes through the roof.

I just find it interesting that different things work for different people. I think my allergies have been a huge motivator for me to clean up my diet. It's not just about loosing weight for me. I feel horrible when I don't eat right. Sick, cranky, depressed, just awful. Even after I gave up all dairy, I still have had issues.

After next week or 21 days, I will start adding some things back slowly to see how I react. I really want to keep eating this way as much as possible. Napa will throw be back a ways but I'll just be as careful as I can and then return to it when I get back. I plan to do another three weeks in March and then continue eating on the plan.

The cleanse is 21 days of two liquid meals and a lunch following the rules stated above. The rest of the time I will try to follow the rules for all three meals. I did this at the beginning of the month and lost 6 pounds before even starting the cleanse so I think I will still get results. Not as fast, but like several of you mentioned, it's not a diet it's a life style. Thanks for the support. I'm feeling good about this. Now to get out and run again...YIKES :/


  1. Way to go Reg!!!! Like we have all said one diet does not fit all! You have to do what works for you! But make sure you do something for that life style change. I have been going to boot camp. Thinking about doing spin classes too! As we get closer to the marathon I will start a walk/run regimen to train for the 1/2 marathon. Keep up the good work!! Because really that is what it is WORK!!!

  2. Wow, that is really inspirational, Regina!! I'm really glad that the cleanses work for you. Everybody definitely has their own methods that work for them, and I'm glad that you found one you're happy with. Keep it up!!! I miss you guys up there :(

  3. Regina, I'm so glad you're feeling better AND losing weight, too! Yay! The cleanse sounds like the way to go for you. I just couldn't give up so many foods! How sad that you have so many allergies. That must be so hard. Alcohol???? That's the saddest part of all.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks! It's going to be fun!
