Sunday, January 2, 2011

I survived my first run! By Reg

OK so, I'm not gonna lie, it was hard. I started out strong feeling confident and maybe a little cocky thinking my body would remember 20 years ago when I considered myself a "runner". It didn't. My confidence quickly vanished when i actually had to start running. I had only done the warm up walk at this point. Throughout the course of the C25k workout I wanted to throw up, I thought I was going to cough up a lung and several times I wanted to quit and start again "tomorrow". None of those things happened. I kept going and soon realized I was almost home. Then I heard my C25k app say "Congratulations you are half way there". Oh no!!! I turned the opposite way and kept going. At the end I realized that I can do this. I just have to keep going and shut off the voices in my head that want to tell me otherwise. When I finished I felt a great sense of accomplishment. I read this quote after:

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do" by Johnathan Wolfgang Von Goethe

Now let me know how you are doing. Take care everyone!!!


  1. Regina you are awesome!!!!I think the first workouts will be the hardest, but as we get through those and accomplish them I think they will be very rewarding! We were talking today and have decided that we are all going to do the full marathon spouses too! This wil be exciting! Keep on trekking! and Keep us posted.

    We walked again today-no running, but I ate a ton of junk at Mikey's party. So tomorrow is boot camp-full weigh in and measurements for a competition they are having there. Wish me luck!


  2. What???full marathon? Walking or running? I'll think about it. Will you be joining the Team in Training? Call me. Wow I'm impressed.

  3. Most are walking some want to walk/run. I will decide when it gets closer. Right now I am all about walking it! You can do it!


  4. Regina I'm so proud of you! That's outstanding, and I think the hardest workout is the "first" workout! You did it! It will get easier tomorrow!

    I haven't been out yet today but it's in my plan for the day.

    Yes, Mike is very motivated to train for the marathon (although he has his doubts about completing it) and so am I. I have to find a good training routine for us. My other resolution was to take better care of my husband. He needs A LOT of help. Thanks for the encouraging post!


  5. Okay, I must have missed something...what is C25K app? I see both Diana and Regina mentioned it. I don't have a Blackberry. Is it a Blackberry thing?


  6. I just posted the link. I have it on my iPhone and I think Diana has it on her Android phone. I'm not sure if the blackberry has it too. Otherwise you can just print it. The link I posted also has other great tips and articles. If you want to search for the app on your phone, it's usually listed as "C25K". Take care, Reg
