Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Little Frustrated

Well, TECHNICALLY I lost... a grand 1.2 pounds.

It is such irony that my first week of Weight Watchers had to go right through my midterms. I have three tests, one today, and two tomorrow. Even though I tried to work ahead and make it easier on myself, I still had my troubles that reflected on the scale this morning. I didn't work out this weekend, nor Monday... Even though I followed the program successfully, I feel like if I had exercised this weekend then it might have shown better. One of my biggest problems is always staying consistent when I am feeling stress or anxiety, and I am REALLY bad at it. This is the typical kind of weight loss I would have the past few years when I tried to do it alone, even on the first week of WW when you're supposed to lose MORE weight than usual... not less. And although in the past it was so unmotivating that I didn't last much longer after that, I know I have more support and motivation than that this time around (you guys!). So, I am looking forward to my midterms being over in a couple days and giving it another try. Hopefully Week 2 will be better.


  1. (: we are your motivation!!! Don't give up! We're all in this together! Don't worry. Goodluck on your tests! I love you!

  2. Katelin, It does take focus! I know because I have to remind my self all the time, to not get distracted by the easy stuff. Kinda of like studying don't you think? You know what you need to do but you don't always do it! And like school, if you stick with it you will find your success. So like your mom said this weekend, pick your self up and keep going. As long as we don't quit, we will meet our goals! Again just like school! TEAM GONZO CAN DO IT!!

    Love Ya!

  3. You know what i had to do this morning Katlin? I had to create another me, but as a trainer,lol lol (true story) Yesterday morning i was supposed to work out on the treadmill before work but had a ton of excuses why i couldn't,First it was your Tia's fault for keeping out late Saturday night, than it was having to work Sunday..to tired.. etc, So I didn't work out :( Than this morning started out the same way,That's when your Tio the trainer was created and basically told your normal Tio what kind of excuses you going to use tomorrow you big baby so i want you to suck it up! move your ass and give me 20 minutes on the treadmill now!!! And i did it and felt good all day it probably sounds a little silly but what the heck it worked!! We're people which are sometimes weak so we have to get creative.

    Tio Mike

  4. Thank you for the great advice :) That was a great (and unfortunate lol) analogy to school Tia, I know that my diet/exercise should be just as important as my schooling. Usually that stuff is the first to go as soon as school gets hard, but it can't be that way all the time. I'm going to try to change my mindset on that this quarter, and I think that will help a lot.

    Tio, I know EXACTLY what Trainer voice you're talking about! lol. I have one, it just gets ignored more than it should lol. I need my Trainer side to be ferocious now, and make myself do what I need to do. Ultimately, it's cause we care, right? Thanks for the advice :)

  5. Hahahhaaha! Dad, you crack me up! I love you!

  6. Yes Teresa I agree! Crack Up! But know instead of hearing Jillian Michaels while you are running think of your new trainer DAD! to get you to continue on! :) If he can do it, so can you.


  7. Definetly Tia, My dad is my new trainer!!! Haha.

  8. In a deep voice.....GIVE ME MY TWELVE STEPS COOKIE!!!!!!....Name the Movie?

  9. Ummm..its that Robert Duvall, Cuba Gooding Jr...seen it a million times.."The Navy Diver is not a fighting man, he is a salvage expert"...Men of Honor!! woot woot Got it! YEEEESSSSS!!!!

  10. 1/2 RIGHT it's Denaro not Duvall

  11. I never even saw that movie. would not have guessed it!

  12. Whoohoo coach Tio Mike! That was soooo funny! Let that ol' Mike have it Coach!
