Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Week 2: Success!

This morning I am down 3.7 pounds from last week, putting me 8 pounds down in a month!!! In reality that may not seem like a big amount, but I feel like that is a big accomplishment for me with how crazy my schedule seems to be this quarter. I was honestly a little surprised at the scale this morning because this weekend was absolutely FULL of bad temptations. From going downtown, to steakhouses, to WINE tasting on Sunday!! But I made sure that even when I splurged that I counted every little thing that I had, and somehow that must have done it. Even though pretty much all of my weekly points were gone by the end of the weekend, I made sure not to go over that amount. I already have to have 1 point shaved off my Daily Target points. :( But lesser is better!

One other thing... I visited my doctor last week to tell her that I'm starting weight watchers officially, and she recommended me to try a couple appetite suppressants to help boost early weight loss alongside weight watchers. She only gave me 60 days worth, and neither of us want me to take more after that. I'm a little hesitant about it, since I've never wanted to try taking pills to lose weight, but I know that usually I do have really rough times starting out on weight watchers. I'm supposed to start them this Thursday, and she wants me coming in every three weeks to see how they are working and what my successes are. Any thoughts?


  1. Good job Kaitlin! You are inspiring the rest of us to do just as well. 8 pounds is fantastic!

  2. WOOOHOOO! You and Teresa are doing awesome! The one thing about the suppressants is if you are going to do them be consistent in taking them. It is the inconsistency that messes up your body. It seems though that you are on such a roll maybe you should give it a few more weeks to determine if you actually need them??

    Tia Diana

  3. You have been doing good without the suppressants BUT if the doctor thinks it's something that will help you and you'll be under the doctor's supervision and care, then I would say do it. I think that in 30 days you will know how you react and if it helps you, then you can decide whether to continue or not. Either way, keep up the good work, I'm proud of you Katelin! This is the year for all of us to get healthy! Full speed ahead, everybody...follow those college girls' lead. BTW, your Tio Mike is doing soooo good on his diet, (thanks to Tia Amanda) but he doesn't want to jinx himself by talking about it...LOL...!

  4. Lol, I know the feeling, Tio Mike!!! Good news is, even if you do become jinxed, you can write on here.... We wont think badly of you :) I'll probably be monitoring myself closely and if things about the pills seem weird or ineffective, then I'll stop them. Thanks!

  5. Katelin, that's awesome work for one month!!! Hurray for you! Keep going girl! Do you like your doctor? Does she seem pill happy? If you trust her, try them and see how you do with them. Be aware of your sleep pattern and energy levels. They might cause insomnia, which you're prone to already. And they might require lots of liquids so be careful. Sometimes they cause bad breath too! Ehwww! Sorry...I'll stop now...just try them. Love you!!

  6. Hi Katelin. Congratulations!! 8 pounds is awesome!! The diet pills....hum...Which are they? I went on some a few years back and felt great. Lost 22 pounds and thought my life had changed for good. Unfortunately, I didn't learn to do it on my own because I wasn't following a good plan and when the pills stopped working, so did everything else. I gain the weight back and then some. My humble opinion is that if you continue your work w/ WW the entire time you take the pills then you will be using them the way they are intended to be used (unlike me). This way when you get off, you have new habits that will continue to sustain you. So full speed ahead as your Nana said and best of luck. You have a great team of cheerleaders!! :)
