Saturday, February 26, 2011

One foot on either side of the fence

I am really struggling. My snacking has been out of control and I have been unable to completely commit to losing anything. I have been sitting at 151-152 for the last month and it's driving me bonkers, but yet I keep stress/boredom eating. Adrian has lost about 20 lbs and the weight has been continuing to fall off of him (mostly due to my weight watcher meals I've been cooking for him...).

Anyway, I need some motivation or some way to keep my hands from putting food in my mouth!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Feeling Good!!

I think we've earned bragging rights!!.. lol Mandy and I have lost a combined weight of a whopping 53 pounds and counting,8 more pounds to my first goal and feeling good! Should have done this a long,long time ago!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nordstrom Tomato Basil Soup

Pointed out this recipe and only 2 points per cup. I used fat free half & half. Still tastes delish!! Something warm for the cold days ahead!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Good morning!

How did everybody do last week?? This weekend had a lot of challenges because of all the birthday celebrations (it was a friend's birthday on Saturday and Daniel's brother's on Sunday. crazy!). It was exactly the relaxing weekend I needed (I don't think I'd had one of those all quarter), but it did mean a lot of eating out. I lost a pound and a half, which is good considering I used ALL my weekly points. I know Mom was definitely having fun in Napa, but what did everybody else do on their long weekend??

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Regretting passing on Blue Berry Pancakes this Morning,Cant get them out of my Mind!!

more tips

Feb. 11, 2011 -- Working out with a hula hoop burns about as many calories per minute as step aerobics, boot camp, or very brisk walking, a new study shows.

For the study, researchers recruited 16 women between the ages of 16 and 59 and had them learn a 30-minute aerobics routine that uses weighted hula hoops twirled around the waist, arms, and legs.

After two practice sessions to get familiar with the moves, volunteers wore portable oxygen analyzers and heart rate monitors to record their exertion.

Hooping It Up

The study participants’ average heart rate was a brisk 151 beats per minute, about 84% of their age-predicted maximum heart rates. Their average oxygen consumption was about 20 milliliters per kilogram per minute, resulting in about 7 calories burned for each minute of hooping, or about 210 calories burned in a half-hour class.

Researchers say there’s one important caveat; the study used weighted fitness hula hoops, which can be ordered online, rather than the lightweight plastic hoops sold at toy stores.

Weighted hoops, the researchers say, may actually be easier to use because they rotate more slowly around the body.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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So, I know I haven't been keeping up with the blog, but here is what is going down. For a couple weeks now I haven't lossed anything. Just gaining 1 or 2 pounds then I would go back to what I was before...just a lot of flucuating! It's really frustrating! I am as of today down 11 lbs. I increased my workout so I'm running a mile in a half or more in the mornings and I have been really good with what I'm eating but it's just not getting me anymore. I'm not sure what to do now. Although, I don't lose pounds on the scale, I feel like I'm loosing inches because my pants are getting looser and I'm fitting in to clothes I wasn't able to wear before. So, I'm happy about that also I am able to jog two miles without stopping now. Yesterday when I jogged 2 miles I was so suprised at myself because I wanted to keep running but I had to shower and get ready for class. I'm really happy about that because I feel like a runner again how I was in high school during soccer season. I guess what I'm doing is just fine even if I'm not seeing a change on the scale.

I hope everyone else is doing well!


Happy Thursday

I haven't blogged for a while...probably since we've been so busy. There have been some ups and downs with some deaths to people close to us, then there was Valentines Day, the Champagne brunch, but the food has not gotten the best of me. I really don't think that I've turned to it this time and am proud of myself. I am about 18lbs down since Jan 9 and feel awesome. My pants are looser and I feel GoooD!! I think I might reward myself with a new pair of jeans! :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where did everyone go???

Now more thn ever we need to keep our momentum going!!! Don't stop blogging. Report Successes and set backs. Lets keep eachother in check and let's keep going!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful Valentine's Day!! Get back on track tomorrow!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Frustrated Again UGHHHH!!!!

So I weighed in today for the biggest loser challenge at bootcamp. I was pretty excited because I knew i had lost weight this time. No so in the past challenges. So get on the scale and very excited because I had lost 10lbs. WOOOHOOO!!! But then she took my measurements and all my measurements went up. I have always read and heard people say, "oh i lost 10lbs and 4 inches around my waist" NOT SO FOR ME!!!! Anyway. I am sure I am building muscle, but I wish it could have lost in both pounds and weight. Most likely won't be the biggest loser at bootcamp since they take weight and inches into account! BOOHOOO! :( I should have a drink! :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I lost another 4.2 pounds this week!! :D I didn't get in a lot of exercise this week (which I still need to work on), but I did really great on tracking my foods... even the bad ones, lol. It's been so long since I've been able to notice a (good) change in the mirror, and it feels so great now. My loss looks small next to my ultimate goal, but I want to stay driven and not stop till I get myself there!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Good Monday Morning!!!

Don't ya love Mondays??? A fresh start for all who blew it on the weekend. Or continued momentum for those who didn't!!!! Personally I did a lttle of both! Drank too much but watched my food intake. It was kind of a wash. 1 pound up from Friday!

I have now finally reached my 5% goal. I have lost a total of 9 pounds. On my way to 10% goal.

This morning at bootcamp we had to run the mile. In the fall I jog/walked the mile in 11m.50s. in December my sluggish mile went up to a 12m 11s. Today I jogged the entire mile and did it in 11m 01s. WHOOOOHOOOO! For me that is huge!!! I hate running. But I do feel my overall fitness level has increased.

Happy Monday to all and lots of success for this week!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


While there is no secret formula for losing weight (It all comes down to simple math: You must burn more calories than you consume), there are smarter, faster ways to achieve your goals. The following six workouts are proven to be the most heart-pumping, sweat-producing, and consequently most efficient calorie-burning and weight-loss-inducing exercises out there. Do one, or a combination of many, regularly, and watch the weight fall off.

1. Kickboxing: 800 calories per hour
Kickboxing offers a great full-body workout because it requires you to use every major muscle group and includes interval training. Your heart rate will soar and stabilize several times throughout the class, which is optimal for weight loss. 24 Hour Fitness clubs report that attendees of their Turbo Kick classes can burn up to 800 calories in one hour-long class.

How to Want to Workout More

2. Biking: 700 calories per hour
You can burn up to 700 calories at your average cycling class or take to the road on your own to enjoy fresh air to boot! Just make sure you keep a pace of about 14 to 16 miles per hour to reach the 700-calorie goal.

Gadgets That Help You Lose Weight

3. Zumba: 500 or more calories per hour
Who knew an hour of dancing could produce such results?! Because this Latin-inspired dance workout uses the principles of interval training and resistance exercise, the workout will boost your metabolism considerably, according to However, like any fitness regimen, the number of calories burned varies from person to person depending on weight, sex, current fitness level, and how a hard a person works out. Still the massive weight loss and toning benefits of hip-swishing and shimmying make this dance workout one of the most popular today.

4. Jumping Rope: 780 calories per hour
Only got ten minutes? You can still squeeze in cardio with this highly effective activity, which can have you burning 130 calories every ten minutes (or 780 calories per hour). According to, you’d have to run an eight-minute mile to burn as many calories as jumping rope for the same amount of time, making it a good choice for someone who is starting a fitness regime and may not have the endurance to maintain a fast running speed for an extended period of time. If you have limited space and time, jumping rope is the most efficient way to see results. In addition, the high-impact nature of this workout means you’ll add bone mass, increasing your bone health, according to 24 Hour Fitness Club's Website and, while you lose fat.

Fitness Plans That Really Work

5. Aerobic Step Classes: 600 calories per hour
Aerobic step classes are high-intensity and high-impact, meaning you’ll burn fat and calories. The number of calories burned depends on how high the step is, but using just a six-inch platform can allow you to burn up to 600 calories in one hour-long class.

6. Running: 650 calories per hour
According to WebMD's calorie calculator, a 145-pound person who maintains a 10-minute mile for one hour can burn up to 650 calories. However, running consistently for an hour can be challenging if it isn't a part of your current exercise regimen. You can work up to this goal and increase your cardiovascular fitness by adding walking intervals throughout your workout. For instance, run for three minutes and then walk briskly for one minute. This practice will increase your endurance, lower your heart-rate recovery time, and burn fat.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Article: See Through the Health Halo

Good morning, everyone!

I know a lot of us not only have been trying to lose weight, but also to get healthier overall this year. I've cut out diet soda, my mom has stopped drinking her morning coffee, and Regina has cut out, well, everything!

I found this article on (one of my favorite websites) that suggests different substitutes for some of our guilty "diet" pleasures. I know that many times I have caught myself reaching for 100 calorie packs of processed junk food, which happen to be laden with fat, empty calories and tons of preservatives. Luckily, the change in the Weight Watchers PointsPlus system has made fruit a much easier choice.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, February 4, 2011

more mndt's

Michael, looks like we just got the answer!

Fitness Myth No. 1: Running on a treadmill puts less stress on your knees than running on asphalt or pavement.

"Running is a great workout, but it can impact the knees -- and since it's the force of your body weight on your joints that causes the stress, it's the same whether you're on a treadmill or on asphalt," says Todd Schlifstein, DO, a clinical instructor at New York University Medical Center's Rusk Institute.

The best way to reduce knee impact, says Schlifstein, is to vary your workout.

"If you mix running with other cardio activities, like an elliptical machine, or you ride a stationary bike, you will reduce impact on your knees so you'll be able to run for many more years," says Schlifstein.


Cayenne pepper aids in speeding up your metabolism much faster. When you take cayenne on a regular daily basis you can increase your metabolism some say as much as 25%.

The main active ingredient in cayenne pepper is capsaicin. It is said to be a "thermogenic chemical" which will help speed your metabolism and decrease your appetite. It's actually a wonderful herb. It not only can promote weight loss, but it does many other wonderful things such as: increase blood flow, maintains healthy blood pressure, increase your sex drive, may help reduce ulcers and promotes a healthy digestive system. Sounds good to me. And, btw, Michael it helps reduce the pain caused by gout because it's anti-imflamatory.

Cayenne pepper alone will not make you see the results of weight loss on it's own. You must maintain a HEALTHY diet, exercise on regular basis (3-5 days per week) and you must consume water and less calories. Within a month, you will most certain see results of a healthier you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


So I thought I would share a couple of things that may or may not be helpful from my cleanse. The first is that the author suggests you have your biggest meal in the middle of the day. That's when our digestion is the strongest. The morning should be small but packed with nutrients and dinner should be easy to digest before you go to sleep. Also make sure you give yourself a 12 hour window without anything to eat between your last meal of the day and breakfast the next morning. This way you give your body enough time to digest and cleanse before starting again. Just following these rules will help you loose weight, according to Dr Junger (author of Clean- the cleanse I'm on). Have a great weekend everyone!!!


I heard that apples stop you from buring this true?


I miss caffeine

So I gave up my morning (or some days its all day ) coffee this week. Yesterday I had a really bad headache and was a little cranky by afternoon, hopefully this will subside. I bought a product call Teeccino to replace the coffee and its so good. It has no caffeine, lots of flavor, is all herbal, and has a variety of flavors. YUM.


So, I'm so excited to say that I have lost 11 pounds now! I've been really good with eating and working out. Me and some friends bought the Jillian Michaels "No More Trouble Zones" video and its killer! It is definetly helping. My roommate pointing out to me yesterday that I need to buy smaller pants now, haha. That made my day! Only 9 more pounds and I will be half way to my goal (: Woohoo!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

9 lbs. down and counting!!

Hello: I am happy to declare that I have lost 9 lbs so far. I can't believe how well I do on this cleanse. I know you all swear by WW but I have joined 7 times and cumulatively completed just around 2 weeks of it. I HATE IT!! I can't think in terms of points. Isn't it funny? I have given up gluten, corn, sugar, coffee, alcohol, beef, pork, white rice. I feel Fantastic though. Today I had a little bit of pita bread w/ some hummus and lamb and I have heart burn and felt really sluggish and tired again. As soon as I stop eating these things, my cravings go away and I don't get headaches or heartburn and my energy goes through the roof.

I just find it interesting that different things work for different people. I think my allergies have been a huge motivator for me to clean up my diet. It's not just about loosing weight for me. I feel horrible when I don't eat right. Sick, cranky, depressed, just awful. Even after I gave up all dairy, I still have had issues.

After next week or 21 days, I will start adding some things back slowly to see how I react. I really want to keep eating this way as much as possible. Napa will throw be back a ways but I'll just be as careful as I can and then return to it when I get back. I plan to do another three weeks in March and then continue eating on the plan.

The cleanse is 21 days of two liquid meals and a lunch following the rules stated above. The rest of the time I will try to follow the rules for all three meals. I did this at the beginning of the month and lost 6 pounds before even starting the cleanse so I think I will still get results. Not as fast, but like several of you mentioned, it's not a diet it's a life style. Thanks for the support. I'm feeling good about this. Now to get out and run again...YIKES :/
Cayenne pepper is the BEST! Very good for you....

Mom's's/Nana Diet Tips....MNDT's


Studies suggest eating protein in the morning will keep your hunger at bay longer than eating a bagel or other carbs. One egg has only 75 calories but packs 7 grams of high-quality protein, along with other vital nutrients. Bonci adds that your body will burn more calories digesting eggs than a carb-heavy breakfast. If you have high cholesterol, check with your doctor about how many eggs you can eat per week.

Week 2: Success!

This morning I am down 3.7 pounds from last week, putting me 8 pounds down in a month!!! In reality that may not seem like a big amount, but I feel like that is a big accomplishment for me with how crazy my schedule seems to be this quarter. I was honestly a little surprised at the scale this morning because this weekend was absolutely FULL of bad temptations. From going downtown, to steakhouses, to WINE tasting on Sunday!! But I made sure that even when I splurged that I counted every little thing that I had, and somehow that must have done it. Even though pretty much all of my weekly points were gone by the end of the weekend, I made sure not to go over that amount. I already have to have 1 point shaved off my Daily Target points. :( But lesser is better!

One other thing... I visited my doctor last week to tell her that I'm starting weight watchers officially, and she recommended me to try a couple appetite suppressants to help boost early weight loss alongside weight watchers. She only gave me 60 days worth, and neither of us want me to take more after that. I'm a little hesitant about it, since I've never wanted to try taking pills to lose weight, but I know that usually I do have really rough times starting out on weight watchers. I'm supposed to start them this Thursday, and she wants me coming in every three weeks to see how they are working and what my successes are. Any thoughts?