Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful Valentine's Day!! Get back on track tomorrow!!!


  1. Valentine's Day was awesome yesterday!! I feel like I definitely woke up with glitter on the floor... too bad it's only Tuesday still lol. I was pretty nervous when I stepped on the scale today, but I'm another two pounds down and ready to rock another week! How did everybody else do?

  2. Katelin you are KILLING IT! Great job. I was down another pound. So a total of 10 in 6 weeks. Not huge, but I really feel good about myself and the efforts I am putting into staying focused and on track. Except I was a little off today. I was at a district meeting where lunch was provided and snacks and sweets etc... Hard to just eat one. But I am sure I will get back on track tomorrow!

  3. Katelin, I'm so happy for you! I was down only .6. Forget that we went to a champagne brunch on Sunday, and forget that your dad and I made surf and turf for Valentine's dinner. Ha! So I guess I should be happy that I didn't gain anything! Ha!
