Saturday, February 26, 2011

One foot on either side of the fence

I am really struggling. My snacking has been out of control and I have been unable to completely commit to losing anything. I have been sitting at 151-152 for the last month and it's driving me bonkers, but yet I keep stress/boredom eating. Adrian has lost about 20 lbs and the weight has been continuing to fall off of him (mostly due to my weight watcher meals I've been cooking for him...).

Anyway, I need some motivation or some way to keep my hands from putting food in my mouth!


  1. I am in the same boat, Jess and also need some motivation. I can't loose anything and also hae been sitting in the same spot for probably over a month now. It's driving me crazy.

  2. Sorry this is a little late, it's crazy how time whips by without me catching it lol. What i try to do when I just can't stop eating is I try to fill the fridge with fruits and veggies. So when I want to veg (no pun intended), at least it's on good stuff instead of chips or something worse... Try to remember that even if it isn't showing on the scale, you're also doing this for a healthier lifestyle and a healthier body. Love you :)
