Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Finally Here!

Hi everybody!!

I can't believe it's taken me this long to join, but I'm finally here! I came back to school on Sunday evening of January 1st, started class the next morning, and it's been complete chaos ever since. I think this blog is a great idea because everyone can stay connected even over distance. Like my mom said, I joined weight watchers in December, but once school started it was almost immediately pushed aside. I've had some crazy days, sometimes 12-14 hours just out running around between class, work, and social events and there was no chance to even PLAN meals let alone prepare them. I tried to watch portions and make better choices, and was really pleasantly surprised yesterday when I weighed 3.8 pounds less than I weighed in December! Sweet!

Now that I'm really cracking down, I've been able to find a lot of support in regards to diet and exercise. My roommate started her own flat-belly diet and even though we are not on the same diet, we compare recipes and try to help each other plan diet-friendly meals ahead of time so we don't crash and burn later. My boyfriend Daniel and I both made resolutions to get in shape, and so we've been trying to support each other in that, too. We both struggle getting up before class/work to exercise, and this morning when I wasn't feeling motivated to get up he actually called and got me to get up and go for a walk before class. It feels so great to have that kind of support, and it really makes me feel more confident that I can do this. After feeling totally overwhelmed in attempting to go to the gym for an hour every morning, I managed to find a short 30-minute walk around the block that is much easier to work into my schedule without losing hours of sleep. Even though thirty minutes isn't very much, my goal is to do it every day and when possible fit in afternoon/evening walks as well. Every little bit helps, right?

I already know packing my lunch the night before is key, and I've been trying to get back into that habit. I also want to try cooking dinners in multiple batches so when I am stumbling through the door at 8PM I can heat up something quickly. Those will definitely be some goals this week.

Anyway, I'll try to read more of your messages and post more frequently on here. Love you all, talk to you later!

<3 Katelin


  1. I don't even know if this will post, BUT I just want to say, 3.8 LBS IS FABULOUS! Yoy're doing good. Keep it up. 30 min walk is good and don't forget to have a cup of hot lemon water in the morning. I find that if I freeze fresh lemon juice in ice trays and then add to hot water saves a little time in the morning. Try it! love you, nana

  2. Ha! I actually did it! I made a post............

  3. Katelin, this is really motivating! I feel overwhelmed too but hearing your schedule, I'm sure that I can find the time to do something with myself. Keep up the good work!

    Nana! I like your combo name, "Momna" :)

  4. Yay Katelin! I'm happy you joined the blog! Keep coming back and you'll get lots of motivation, love, support, and inspiration! I love you!

  5. YOU GO GIRL! I am so proud of you and Teresa being so far away yet wanting to participate right along with the rest of us. And you are having successes! Through this blog we can all support each other even though we are miles away! Remember to blog frequently to report What worked and what didn't!

  6. Thank you guys!!! It's great to hear from all of you. I already almost feel like I'm sitting in Nana's kitchen talking with you all about this :) Internet is much easier to keep up with, I feel like.

    Does the lemon water flush your system or something, Nana? I haven't really heard of that before...

    P.S. Tonight I made Italian Meatballs for dinner! It took forever, but they were pretty tasty. I found it under the featured recipe icon on the WW App. (If you decide to try it, don't put a whole onion in like they say... it's onion overkill lol)
