Friday, January 21, 2011

TGIF-Friday The Best and Worst Day of the Week

Friday is the BEST day of the week because we get to let loose of schedules and routines.

Friday is the WORST day of the week because we get to let loose of schedules and routines.

Lets keep it together this weekend and make it a successful one!

I challenge EVERYONE to workout Saturday and Sunday!!! Walk, treadmill, elliptical, Wii, whatever just do something. For those who can't get out here is a 30min boot camp routine you can do inside.

Do each item for 1 minute then repeat 3X

1. Jog in place or around your house/yard (cardio)
2. Push ups on the wall or ground(for a challenge)
3. Leg lunges rotate on each leg for the 1 minute
4. Jumping jacks (cardio)
5. Screamers- Standing up opposite elbow to knee crunching 30 seconds each side
6. Dips- Get a chair and squat with your hands at the end of the chair knees bent. Squat as low as you can and back up again.
7. Boxing in place (Cardio)
8. Crunches-on the ground knees up and do small crunches. Face ceiling-Pretend you have an apple on your neck so it is not bent.
9. Small arm circle forward
10.Skaters- pretend you are speed skating opposite hand to foot. other foot up in the air behind you like a skater would do from side to side.

Repeat 3x. For questions call

If anyone want to get together to do the bootcamp give me a call.


  1. Did this workout this morning and it is pretty intense. So if you are beginners to circuit exercise, I would reduce all activities to 30sec. except for the cardio you need that to keep your heart rate up. If you can't do jumping jacks for the whole minute then jog in place for the rest of the time. Only repeat 2x it will be enough.
    Everyone should do this it is good!

  2. This actually looks fun! Ha!

    Yes, the weekends are diet killers and we have to learn some good stragedies to get through it without too much damage because, unfortunately for me, Mondays are my weigh-in days...augh.

    Working out is definitely a good stragedy and probably just getting outdoors is good too...walking around at the beach or the kids games or the zoo! Planning good meals ahead of time is probably smart too, and we know we can do it because we did it for Diana's birthday and everything was very enjoyable.

  3. Diana, see if you can copy and paste this post for me.

    Post Title: When You Fall, Get Back Up!

    So I fell on my run this morning!!! The first time ever!! Not a bad fall but I landed on all fours and scared myself. Oh, I tripped over a tree root that was breaking out of the ground. I scratched the palms on my hands and my knees a little bit but I'm fine. I'm just pushing too hard and not paying attention. HOWEVER...I got up,(looked around to see if anyone saw me fall), dusted myself off, stretched my calves, took a swig of water, and kept on running.

    I think we all had some "get back up" moments this week! Diana from her birthday partying all weekend, Katelin from her false starts getting back into the school/routine, Ceci had a hard time fitting exercise in but found some windows of opportunity, and I'm sure everyone else...had the gumption to 'get back up!' some time this week

    Isn't that where success really comes from? Getting back on track and regaining focus whenever we fail? There will always be set backs and hard days but we have to push on and 'get back up' because we're in it to win it! So keep it as a mantra..."get back up!" whenever you fall down this week!

  4. Hi Tia Becky - I sent you a blogger invitation just a couple of days ago to your email. Did you see it? If not, let me know and I'll re-send it. Once you receive that email, click on "accept invitation." This will direct you to the Blogger website. Then you will sign in with your google account that I think you already use to make comments on the blog. Let me know if that helps!


  5. Poor Becky! Well said! I think getting back into it even though we fall back, will be the key to our success!
