Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekend Successes Who's Got them???

Well I won't weigh in until tomorrow, but I did get my exercise in both days this weekend. Did better with food on Sunday then Saturday. But over all I think it was a good weekend. Will check in tomorrow with weight loss.


  1. P.S. Weight Watchers has a new Points plus cookbook at Costco for 17.99. Inside is a coupon for a free year's subscription to the magazine or a 9.99 refund on the book. I thought it was a pretty good deal. I made the lasagna tonight 5 points per serving. Yum! :)

  2. As of this morning I am offically down 7lbs!!!!!!Yahoo! Working for 10 by next monday!

  3. That is great Diana! Your efforts are paying off! I was down 2.4 today for a total of 5lbs. I think I had a good week so I'm pleased. I'll do better this week. I'm within 3lbs of my 5% goal so that's my goal this week.

    Keep it up!

  4. Okay so you take your total weight and multiply by 5% to get the number of pounds??? If so then I have 2 pounds to go the be at my 5%?? We are doing great!!

    Everyone else report. Michael, Amanada, Jessica, Adrian, Ceci, Regina, Katelin where are you????

  5. I havent' weighed in since Saturday when I was 1.1 pound from my 2 week goal of 8 I guess then its 6.9 over the two weeks. I worked my hiney off Sunday running on the treadmill, Monday and Tuesday worked out but blew it on calories on Monday. I am a little nervous about weighing in now because I really want 8+ pounds!! I think I will weigh myself tomorrow just to make sure I've got those pounds nailed!
