Saturday, January 29, 2011

Yay, today!

I weighed in this morning at 152.2!!!!!!! For me, this was huge because when I weighed in at the first doctor's appointment I had when I found out I was pregnant with Gabriel I was at 152. It's been a looong time since I've seen that number consistently, or anything lower, for that matter. I'm totally committed today to keep this going!

What is everyone else doing this weekend to stay on plan?


  1. I am focused on not opening girl scout cookies! I have had a great day only at 11.5 points going into dinner. I built my stuffed potato reciped online. Cut out some ingred. used fat free with others, and made it in 9 points??? For 2 havles. Very excited!

  2. Okay Jessica, Friday & Saturday were great! But Sunday, Not so good. I am probably looking at 45 points for the day! I will be honest I drank half of those points. Champagne brunch, then we walked for about 2 hours selling cookies, so I gained some points back. Then dinner with 2 more cocktails and 2 cookies. But tomorrow my new week begins and I know it will be a good one. How did your weekend commitment go??

  3. My weekend commitment was awesome! I stayed on plan all weekend long. Now if we're talking today, I'm already at like 38 points!
