Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I did it!!!

So I've been REALLY paying attention to my food intake and working harder at the gym. When Mike and I went on day 1 I could barely (and I mean BARELY) do 10 sit-ups on the sit-up bench and now I'm up to 20 with a 5lb medicine ball that we throw back and forth as I'm doing them. I AM ROCKIN IT!!! the scale says I'm down about 2 lbs since Christmas but I am definitely seeing the tone in my arms, legs, and working on the stomach. Hopefully (fingers crossed rally hard) I will be confident in my bikini by the time swimsuit season rolls around :)

Keep up the good work everyone!


  1. Good job Leslie!I haven't seen a big wieght loss on the scale but i feel i've lost inches,So i should be pretty confident in my bikini as well this summer lol,lol

  2. I can't wait to see that Michael. Leslie you sound like you are on track and focused! Good Job!!
