Monday, January 3, 2011

Great Start!

Bootcamp 5:30 am (ughhhh!) CHECK
6 point healthy breakfast with milk CHECK
Healthy lunch packed for rainy day schedule at school (double UGHHHH!) CHECK
WHOOOHOOO!!! I can do this!



  1. Diana, that's awesome! Hang in there! By Friday you will see a big change! I'm sooo motivated by you and Regina. You both have the "STICKTOITNESS" power...I can just feel it! Is that a word?

    Have a great day!


  2. Yay for you Diana!!! Seriously, 5:30? You are my hero. :-)

  3. So it turns out that 5:30am to 7:30am were the best 2 hours of my day!!!!!!Yikes. I was starving by 11:00. On rainy day schedule so I only had the food that I packed which was a salad and shrimp. Around 1:00 I totally crashed. A mom brought in Ding Dongs for her daughter's b-day and I ate one. That cost me all my extra boot camp points and was not nearly as satifying as a martini would have been! Got home and was just looking for something to eat-ANYTHING! My head hurt (no soda) and I was cranky. In the end I used all my 29 points + my workout points and 1 1/2 of my weekly points. But hey tomorrow is another day and I am in this for the long haul! Boot camp see you at 5:30am!


  4. You are still my hero. I had 2 pieces of cake today. I am struggling with my sweet tooth. I also gave up a lot at once. I dont start my cleanse for a few weeks still but I am trying to cut out those foods now, so that I can get ready. Basically, I gave up alcohol, coffee, beef, pork, dairy, eggs, soy. I'm still struggling with sugar and gluten. I've only cheated w/ the cake though. At least it was organic and dairy free. Like you said... Tomorrow's another day. Good luck with bootcamp. I take my stab at C25K running again tomorrow. :0/. -Reg

  5. Regina, you should follow some of the WW guide lines. Right now all fruits and veggies are free, so you can snack on them all day-which is huge!I think since you are not cleansing yet, you would do better knowing what foods you can eat rather than which foods you are giving up??? Just a thought. Good Luck today! WE CAN DO THIS!

  6. You two are doing great! Those 49 weekly points are just for those sort of cake and Ding Dong moments, so don't be discouraged at all. Your appetite will adjust soon. Just keep journaling all your activity and food points. I'm feeling quite inspired by you both. I did my run yesterday after quite a few months of nothing. I added 10 minutes to my all time best. Oh well! At least I'm back at it. I did 3.4 miles in 50 minutes which used to take me 40. I'm feeling good though...when taking ibu. :) Mike and I went out again tonight and did a run/walk for the same distance. It took us about 55 minutes. I'll check the C25K link out tomorrow.

    Good luck tomorrow!


  7. Good for you Becky! I hate running, but I guess I will get used to it. My eating was much better today, and it was easier. Stuck to my 29 points and even had a healthy choice fudge bar.
