Thursday, January 27, 2011

The GOOD Days and The BAD Days

Good morning family!

So, yesterday was one of those days when you feel like your working so hard but the scale doesn't agree. Well, instead of feeling like that again today, I got my butt up and jogged two in a half miles and weighed myself. I think I almost broke my scale from jumping up and down when I saw I am down 9 pounds. I know there will be many more days like yesterday but its up to the next day to make it better. Like Tia Becky said when we have to pick ourselves back up. We should think of those days as motivation and encouragment to work harder for what we want. Well, time for you guys!

Teresa (:


  1. Wow Girl you are doing amazing! Even though you are weighing yourself every day you should pick a day of the week and make it your offical weigh in each week. It will help you see your progress from week to and not get discouraged by the day to.

    Tia Diana

  2. Oh, I didn't even think about that. Thanks Tia Diana, that will help a lot!

  3. Wow T i'm proud of you,the wieght is falling off you,keep it up!!

  4. GOOD JOB T!!! I totally agree with Tia Diana, I set Monday as my weigh in day so I don't slack during the weekend but when I have on of those days where I feel down or my pants fit a little tighter than the day before I do a quick weigh in to keep myself on track.

  5. Yay Teresa! I'm so inspired by your positive attitude and willingness to work hard!

  6. Teresa you are AMAZING :) That's so inspiring, thanks for the great news! Keep it up!!
