Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why, oh why? the weekends kill my motivation so quickly? I have been doing really well during the weekdays. This past weekend we went to Laguna Beach to get away and I ate. And I ate. And I ATE. Needless to say, I was horrified by the scale on Tuesday morning (yes, I kept my mini-binge going through the holiday).

In spite of the crappy-food weekend I had, I still had a few small victories:
-I am finishing my ninth day of no Diet Coke
-I resisted a huge, fat, delicious chocolate chip cookie at work today
-I consciously decided not to have seconds yesterday
-I ate my daily serving of fruit and veggies today

Have a healthy day tomorrow!


  1. I hear you Jessica. It is hard to think about staying focused, when the weekends are all about letting loose! I guess on the weekends we should work out more and earn those extra points! Then give in to our wants moderately, so as not to feel deprived, but also not over kill. Then we will not have the Monday Morning Blues! WE CAN DO THIS!

  2. Seriously???? You are such an overachiever! You can't be perfect all the time Diana! You've been doing awesome for 16 days! You had a birthday and went away with your're allowed to enjoy yourself without "counting" sometimes. We're going to have bad days BUT we have to have more good than bad! So, dust the crumbs off your mouth and get back on board! Good job focusing on what you did well this week! Keep doing that!

  3. Lol, mom.... your analogies are funny. But I know that future weekends coming up are going to be reallllyyyy tough. Jess, even though you were going all out last weekend, you held yourself 100% accountable. That in itself is a big deal :) Getting back on track right away is an accomplishment in itself (at least for me), so great job doing that!

  4. okay i had a small victory today....i didn't have a soda all day!!!! i still had my morning coffee, but then i switched to green tea. it worked out well because at my work the water cooler is right next to me and it has a hot water tab so i just kept adding hot water to my tea bag. i made the spinch and mushroom and onion saute everyone is raving about, and it was delicious...i know i'm not eating enough vegies and fruit, and i'm definitely not getting the exercise i sooo desperatly need, but i'm gonna start taking my tennies to work and walk on my breaks....

  5. Pati giving up soda is hard and I slip back at times and drink it, but I think over all you will be glad you made the switch. I don't feel as bloated since giving it up??? Good Job! We are counting every victory large or small!!

  6. This is my fourth day of no soda and I also don't feel bloated at all! 4 pounds down for me today! Good job to everyone! We are making progress! WOOHOO! :D
