Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The first couple days

I started back on WW on Sunday and I have to admit, I've been killing it! On Sunday, I ate really well, cleaned the garage and walked around the zoo for two hours. That night was weigh-in with my parents' little side bet and I was pleased to see that although I haven't lost any since Dec 25 (when I weighed in last on my Wii Fit), I also haven't gained. For me, that was a victory since the holidays are conducive to packing on the pounds.

Yesterday I didn't have time to fit in a work out, but I ate a healthy breakfast of oatmeal, fruit and coffee, and made Adrian and myself a healthy sandwich and snacks for lunch.

Today I was so busy at work that I didn't really have time to eat anyway -- I had cereal for breakfast, a sandwich and crackers for lunch and made WW tacos and black beans for dinner.

I would say this week has been successful thus far, though I really need to find time to get a work out of some sort in. I think tomorrow I'm going to try to wake up early and do some Wii Fit (I'm obsessed with boxing!).

Wish me luck!


  1. Great Job Jessica! Get to the boxing!

  2. Adrian has not checked in with his weight yet are we still doing this?

  3. Oh and that boxing is to much! your mother kicked my but twice but it's a work out all right!

  4. Boxing sounds like fun! I have that Wii Fit thing too. Maybe that's what I'll try this week too. Good job Jessica! Adrian, you hang in there too but don't clobber Jessie too badly please.

  5. I love the boxing, it is real cardio! I can hardly breathe after punching out your dad, Jess!
    I dont' think its wii fit though, your talking wii sport, right?
