Friday, January 7, 2011

Not such a good day today!! :-/

Well I must confess that this was a day of backslides. I ate wrong at lunch but expected to recover with my dinner and workout later. Unfortunately it just went from bad to worse. I came home tired to find Ed home, unexpectedly. He was supposed to work for someone today but the guy ended up coming in the afternoon to relieve him. So that was exciting for me and Santiago. But, not exciting enough to make me feel like cooking so I suggested we go out for sushi. Long story short, i didnt make good food choices. After, no workout happened either. Bummer.

Oh well, no need to beat myself up. Tomorrow is another day to start anew. As long as I have more good days then bad in a week, I will consider it a success. So I thought it was important to be honest and report my Bad days along with my good days. Wish me better luck tomorrow :0). I wish you all good luck right back.


  1. Those unplanned events are killers! We have such high hopes and they are dashed in a moment. But your right today is another day and you will be successful. The key is not to give up!


    Keep on swimming, keep on swimming!!! (name the movie?)

  2. finding nemo.....i'm going to do a little shopping today, that should motivate me to get started....right????

  3. Yes, indeed! While I admit dinner was delicious last night, it was too many points to count. I felt crummy about it this morning. Mike had to fast until 10:30 for some blood work so we didn't run early and then I got started with housework. We still haven't gone on our run. :( The day's not over and I will try to squeeze it in.

    Regina, sushi isn't that bad but it can add up. To your credit, it was a healthy choice. You could've done worse.

    Good luck this weekend!

  4. Regina, You are way ahead of me sista! I have convinced myself that Monday is the beginning for me since I'm officially still on vacation! When Monday comes, I will take it one day at a time which is all any of us can do. You quoted Miss Scarlett beautifully, "tomorrow is another day..."

  5. Thanks everyone. I'm loving the support. I did get out to do my run yesterday. It went well. I didn't do so well on the food though because we had a dinner party and I drank too much champagne. Today is my day to get organized and on track again.
