Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So, yesterday was originally supposed to be the first day of my diet and workout, however with my friends parents getting us Sonic, it didn't necessarily go my way with that one, but I did do really well the rest of the day with a grilled chicken salad for dinner. So today, my first run here and let me tell you...it was NOT easy! I did a mile in a half run to the soccer fields, around the soccer fields, and then back to my dorm room. It was tough, but I know by running everyday it will get easier. Maybe even my asthma will go away! Also, after classes today I have zumba tonight...YAY! I lost a pound so far..wooohoo. Goodluck to everyone for the rest of the week!



  1. That's the right attitude! Keep on running Teresa and the weight (AND asthma) will take care of itself! Soccer is going to be awesome on your butt and thighs Girl! Good for you!

  2. I have to say you are SO amazing for wanting to run so much every day! I admire you so much for that :) Run, Teresa, Run!

  3. Thanks!!!! It's helping a lot I think and it's nice having my morning for running and getting stuff done until class. I love waking up early when the sun is coming up and going running on the soccer fields. Although it's freezing and there is snow on the ground...I'll keep pushing through it! I actually imagine Jillian Michaels (Biggest Loser) screaming at me to keep going, haha. Love you guys!
