Thursday, January 27, 2011

All time low

... on the scale that is!!! I set a goal for myself to hit my HS weight prior to all of this and then added ontop the goal of losing 5 lbs more with your support, well I am proud to say I have hit my HS weight and now have 10 lbs till I hit my goal. I BROKE 140 ON THE SCALE!!! I am looking to lose the weight, of course, so right now focusing on toning and building the lean muscle so I will be one hot lady!! HOpefully the pounds will just melt away. Look out I may just become the magically disappearing woman :)


  1. All time low that gives you an all time HIGH!!! Good for you Leslie. I'll tell you this I was 105 in HS and there is no way in HELL I will ever hit that number again. However I do have high hopes for a pre-prengancy weight! :) Keep up the good work and keep your bootie moving!

    Tia Diana

  2. That is so awesome, Leslie!! Keep up the great work, you're doing really well :)

  3. That's amazing, Les, and extremely motivating! All of us cousins can't let you be the only hot one ;) Just kidding...kinda...
