Monday, January 24, 2011

New Week!

Good morning!

Well, the weekend workouts Tia Diana challenged all of us to was a success for me. I ran two miles on the ellyptical saturday and on sunday. Since it's a small little gym in my building and has a tv, me and my friend Melanie rented a movie from the front desk (Sixteen Candles) to watch while working out on the ellypticals. It took my attention away from the pain I felt in my legs, haha. I've been getting my friends to workout with me now. Also, I heard about this workout video called P90x, I don't know if anyone has it or has heard of it but it is a really intence workout! Look it up online! Works a lot on AB's!!! I want to buy it but I hear it's about $100..must mean it works though! Anyways, have a happy, healthy week everyone! Love you guys!



  1. Very proud of you Teresa! So great that you are getting friends to workout too!

  2. Thank you! As of this morning, I am down 7lbs. Woohoo!

  3. Teresa! That's awesome! Wow! You must feel sooo good. Keep it up!
