Friday, January 28, 2011

Motivation to stay steady through the weekend

This week has been so-so; I've been unable to find time to work out but have been tracking consistently and wooo-have lost 2lbs because of it!

I'm sure most of you can relate; every weekend I vow to stay focused and track points and exercise. Generally speaking, it hasn't been happening recently for me. However, I'm hoping this weekend is different because Adrian is leaving early tomorrow with Gabriel to go camping in Carlsbad and it will just be me at the house. On Saturday night I will be playing in the alumni basketball game (lots of exercise!) and then on Sunday I'm working an event that will require me to be on my feet most of the time.

My goal for this weekend is simply just to track and stay with my allotted daily and free-49 points. I've made it this far through the week with a few successes and I want to continue that!

Good luck on meeting your goals this weekend, everyone!


  1. You got this sista!! Kick some booty at the alumni game!

  2. I hear you! I have not had a losing week. Maintaining yes, losing no. Went to boot camp 4 times this week. Drank green tea and warm lemon water everyday, but I was loose with my points. Paul is home this weekend, I must say it is always easier to stay on track when Paul is gone! But like you I am making a commitment NOW to stay on track and focused Friday, Saturday, & Sunday!. YES WE CAN! Lets check in on Monday o share our success!

  3. Jess your Mother said the game starts at 4:00 and I'm mad!! I probably wont be able to leave work till 4;00 so what i need you to do at tip off, Is fall to the ground and fake a 30 minute seizure till i get there" lol lol.So how's Adrian doing on his diet?I'm kinda stoked he's going camping,hope he eats a lot of junk food hehehe maybe i should pack his meals for him.


  4. Okay Jessica I am at 31 points to complete my day! I did exercise this morning so i used 2 points from that. Your Tio Paul has to work overtime tomorrow, so no temptaions! But sadly no Paul either!

    Love Tia Diana

  5. Good for you! I used 33, but I dug into my 49 extra. I'm great about watching my points for breakfast and Adrian will be leaving right after so, same as you! Less temptation, even though no man :( Hey, at least it helps us get through the weekend! Wooo!
