Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hi Everyone!

OK, so today I had a BOD meeting at a pizza parlour.  I love pizza and this was going to be way too much temptation.  My plan, sit as far away as possible AND try to fit into my "skinny" capri jeans.  I did it!!!!!! Without laying down or holding my breathe, I did the pants up while standing in my closet. 

With no room for an extra slice, I held tight to the 1 slice of BBQ chicken with onion and green pepper pizza, sat away from the temptation, and won.

Now, I have week 2 printed and am ready to take on the buffet line on the cruise.  Watch out . . . I am woman hear me roar!  Name that song?


  1. Excellent job Bev. Will you sign your name so we don't have to guess who wrote! I was wondering when you and Rich were going to get blogging. And to add my 2 cents I went to Costco today and did not stop for one sample. :)


  2. OMG!! You are so funny! "I am Woman" Helen Reddy! Have a great time on your cruise Rich and Bev. You'll do fine. Make up for the buffet by walking around the ship a few times and visiting (and working out)the gym. It can be done! We did it!

  3. Have fun on your trip Bev! Love ya, Mandy
