Thursday, January 20, 2011

Flat Belly Tip No. 3: Don't Eat Too Fast.

Eating quickly and not chewing your food well can cause air swallowing that leads to bloating.

So slow down and enjoy your food. Your meals should last at least 30 minutes. Also, keep in mind that digestion begins in the mouth, and you can decrease bloating just by chewing your food more.

There's another benefit to slowing things down: When you take your time to thoroughly chew and taste your food, your snack or meal becomes more satisfying. And studies have shown that if you eat more slowly, you may end up eating less.

I don't know how many of you have 30 minutes for lunch, but maybe you can try this at dinner time.


  1. Yeaah... I kind of laughed at the 30 minute part lol.... But I do try to sit down at the table for meals when I can. Thanks Nana :)

  2. Sometimes I catch myself inhaling my food. Like maybe it will disappear if I don't eat it quickly! I will try this method and slow down because I really need a flat belly for SUMMER TIME!!!

  3. I slowed down eating dinner last night and I got full faster and I didn't feel the need to munch on anything else last night. I put down the fork after every bite and enjoyed every single bite! Thanks for the tip, Nana!

  4. You are doing great Teresa! You have Jillian Michaels with you on the track and Nana with you at dinner. You are choosing great people to help coach you to your success!
