Monday, May 16, 2011

Hello everybody!

I am somewhat glad, at least, that it seems people have been as busy as I have since March? Haha, I hope everyone is doing well, what are people up to??

I decided this morning as I walked in a (sadly regular) few minutes late to work, that New Years' Resolutions should actually become biannual. By May or June, those first fleeting months of burning ambition and enthusiasm to improve your life is almost completely abandoned! Biannual resolutions should hypothetically recharge that ambition until the next New Year rolls around again, therefore making us all more successful, confident, and self-satisfied beings, right???

Along with arriving on time to work (which I know my boss can at least appreciate...), I've resolved to gain the drive and enthusiasm back into Weight Watchers. Looking at the next few weeks before summer, life probably won't be the most healthy as far as things like... free time.. exercise... sleep... but at the very least, I am shooting for and praying please God, no matter what at least help me count!!... nooo really.

Over the past week I've been preparing myself to get back into the mental state of losing weight, and I finally started counting again today. I held my breath as I got on the scale this morning... I'm up 4 pounds since March. You know you messed up when eTools tells you your Daily Point Target went up instead of down. x.x Honestly, I'd anticipated worse and was glad that it wasn't more than that after my birthday celebrations. I'm taking the hits and trying to get going again.

Anybody having similar stories?? Jump on the bandwagon!! What are your biannual resolutions? ;)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Can I have a do Over?

Okay I don't know about everyone else but I am up 4 lbs after this weekend. Maybe if I had it to do over again, I would have cut the many cookies, layers of bean dip, oh yeah and the 6 or more tequlia shots and a dozen margaritas (they wee small glasses)...LOL, but then again maybe I wouldn't change a thing. I thought the weekend was a huge success and a great time. Kudos to all! BUT.....Now it is time to get serious again, we all need to get back on our LOSING STREAK! So we can become WINNERS! I am starting today. I went to bootcamp (with my spranged ankle) had a 7 point breakfast and I am ready to rock n rock with a successful week!! WHO IS IN?????

Monday, March 21, 2011

I'v Been least I thought

I was feeling guilty that I haven't blogged in a long time, but hey, neither has anyone else!! Where is everyone?? How's everyone doing? Mike and I are still kicking butt, exercising, eating a heck of alot healthier, but mostly just motivating each other to stay on track. I think that's the difference between now and any time before. I hope all is well with everyone else, I am feeling great! Love to all!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


How's everyone doing? I personally have been losing veeeery slowly but hey, losing is better than gaining, right? Hope everyone is doing awesome!!

Love you guys!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Ok for all of us who have fallen off the wagon, here is another opportunity for a fresh start! Today is FAT TUESDAY Eat UP! Tomorrow we start our fasting for Lent. It is like another New Year for new beginnings. Let's get refocused and move forward with our success!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Last week

Last week both Mike and I saw a lot of fluctuating with our weight. The scale went way down then way up again, we finally saw it get back to normal today...and it is just where we left it. But that means no weight loss last week. Bummer....thats not encouraging at all. Im just going to forget about it and start fresh again today!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March Madness!

Evveryboooddyyyy (yeah)
Rock your booody (yeah)
Everyboooddyyy (yeah)
Rock your body right
with Weight Watchers, ALL RIGHT!

Okay, now that I got that weird urge out of my system...

How is everybody?! I lost another 2.4 pounds this week, I'm down 19 pounds total!! I'm excited, but know that I need to start exercising more every day. It's really fallen to the wayside again, grr.... I was thinking about buying a couple cheap yoga and/or pilates videos that my doctor recommended to me. She says that yoga or pilates helps build muscles in your core, which is great because those muscles sit there burning more fat off your waist all day long even if you aren't really doing anything. They also improve your posture, which she says actually burns more calories than slouching? Well, I know my posture is horrendous, so I'd like to try it. She recommended a video that has workouts literally for 10 minutes a day. 10 MINUTES! Even if we're busy the entire day, we should be able to fit in 10 lousy minutes, right? Heck, that's how long I spend looking at my Facebook in the morning, and to think I could be working out instead...

So YOU! Yeah, YOU! What's up? :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

One foot on either side of the fence

I am really struggling. My snacking has been out of control and I have been unable to completely commit to losing anything. I have been sitting at 151-152 for the last month and it's driving me bonkers, but yet I keep stress/boredom eating. Adrian has lost about 20 lbs and the weight has been continuing to fall off of him (mostly due to my weight watcher meals I've been cooking for him...).

Anyway, I need some motivation or some way to keep my hands from putting food in my mouth!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Feeling Good!!

I think we've earned bragging rights!!.. lol Mandy and I have lost a combined weight of a whopping 53 pounds and counting,8 more pounds to my first goal and feeling good! Should have done this a long,long time ago!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nordstrom Tomato Basil Soup

Pointed out this recipe and only 2 points per cup. I used fat free half & half. Still tastes delish!! Something warm for the cold days ahead!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Good morning!

How did everybody do last week?? This weekend had a lot of challenges because of all the birthday celebrations (it was a friend's birthday on Saturday and Daniel's brother's on Sunday. crazy!). It was exactly the relaxing weekend I needed (I don't think I'd had one of those all quarter), but it did mean a lot of eating out. I lost a pound and a half, which is good considering I used ALL my weekly points. I know Mom was definitely having fun in Napa, but what did everybody else do on their long weekend??

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Regretting passing on Blue Berry Pancakes this Morning,Cant get them out of my Mind!!

more tips

Feb. 11, 2011 -- Working out with a hula hoop burns about as many calories per minute as step aerobics, boot camp, or very brisk walking, a new study shows.

For the study, researchers recruited 16 women between the ages of 16 and 59 and had them learn a 30-minute aerobics routine that uses weighted hula hoops twirled around the waist, arms, and legs.

After two practice sessions to get familiar with the moves, volunteers wore portable oxygen analyzers and heart rate monitors to record their exertion.

Hooping It Up

The study participants’ average heart rate was a brisk 151 beats per minute, about 84% of their age-predicted maximum heart rates. Their average oxygen consumption was about 20 milliliters per kilogram per minute, resulting in about 7 calories burned for each minute of hooping, or about 210 calories burned in a half-hour class.

Researchers say there’s one important caveat; the study used weighted fitness hula hoops, which can be ordered online, rather than the lightweight plastic hoops sold at toy stores.

Weighted hoops, the researchers say, may actually be easier to use because they rotate more slowly around the body.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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So, I know I haven't been keeping up with the blog, but here is what is going down. For a couple weeks now I haven't lossed anything. Just gaining 1 or 2 pounds then I would go back to what I was before...just a lot of flucuating! It's really frustrating! I am as of today down 11 lbs. I increased my workout so I'm running a mile in a half or more in the mornings and I have been really good with what I'm eating but it's just not getting me anymore. I'm not sure what to do now. Although, I don't lose pounds on the scale, I feel like I'm loosing inches because my pants are getting looser and I'm fitting in to clothes I wasn't able to wear before. So, I'm happy about that also I am able to jog two miles without stopping now. Yesterday when I jogged 2 miles I was so suprised at myself because I wanted to keep running but I had to shower and get ready for class. I'm really happy about that because I feel like a runner again how I was in high school during soccer season. I guess what I'm doing is just fine even if I'm not seeing a change on the scale.

I hope everyone else is doing well!


Happy Thursday

I haven't blogged for a while...probably since we've been so busy. There have been some ups and downs with some deaths to people close to us, then there was Valentines Day, the Champagne brunch, but the food has not gotten the best of me. I really don't think that I've turned to it this time and am proud of myself. I am about 18lbs down since Jan 9 and feel awesome. My pants are looser and I feel GoooD!! I think I might reward myself with a new pair of jeans! :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where did everyone go???

Now more thn ever we need to keep our momentum going!!! Don't stop blogging. Report Successes and set backs. Lets keep eachother in check and let's keep going!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful Valentine's Day!! Get back on track tomorrow!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Frustrated Again UGHHHH!!!!

So I weighed in today for the biggest loser challenge at bootcamp. I was pretty excited because I knew i had lost weight this time. No so in the past challenges. So get on the scale and very excited because I had lost 10lbs. WOOOHOOO!!! But then she took my measurements and all my measurements went up. I have always read and heard people say, "oh i lost 10lbs and 4 inches around my waist" NOT SO FOR ME!!!! Anyway. I am sure I am building muscle, but I wish it could have lost in both pounds and weight. Most likely won't be the biggest loser at bootcamp since they take weight and inches into account! BOOHOOO! :( I should have a drink! :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I lost another 4.2 pounds this week!! :D I didn't get in a lot of exercise this week (which I still need to work on), but I did really great on tracking my foods... even the bad ones, lol. It's been so long since I've been able to notice a (good) change in the mirror, and it feels so great now. My loss looks small next to my ultimate goal, but I want to stay driven and not stop till I get myself there!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Good Monday Morning!!!

Don't ya love Mondays??? A fresh start for all who blew it on the weekend. Or continued momentum for those who didn't!!!! Personally I did a lttle of both! Drank too much but watched my food intake. It was kind of a wash. 1 pound up from Friday!

I have now finally reached my 5% goal. I have lost a total of 9 pounds. On my way to 10% goal.

This morning at bootcamp we had to run the mile. In the fall I jog/walked the mile in 11m.50s. in December my sluggish mile went up to a 12m 11s. Today I jogged the entire mile and did it in 11m 01s. WHOOOOHOOOO! For me that is huge!!! I hate running. But I do feel my overall fitness level has increased.

Happy Monday to all and lots of success for this week!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


While there is no secret formula for losing weight (It all comes down to simple math: You must burn more calories than you consume), there are smarter, faster ways to achieve your goals. The following six workouts are proven to be the most heart-pumping, sweat-producing, and consequently most efficient calorie-burning and weight-loss-inducing exercises out there. Do one, or a combination of many, regularly, and watch the weight fall off.

1. Kickboxing: 800 calories per hour
Kickboxing offers a great full-body workout because it requires you to use every major muscle group and includes interval training. Your heart rate will soar and stabilize several times throughout the class, which is optimal for weight loss. 24 Hour Fitness clubs report that attendees of their Turbo Kick classes can burn up to 800 calories in one hour-long class.

How to Want to Workout More

2. Biking: 700 calories per hour
You can burn up to 700 calories at your average cycling class or take to the road on your own to enjoy fresh air to boot! Just make sure you keep a pace of about 14 to 16 miles per hour to reach the 700-calorie goal.

Gadgets That Help You Lose Weight

3. Zumba: 500 or more calories per hour
Who knew an hour of dancing could produce such results?! Because this Latin-inspired dance workout uses the principles of interval training and resistance exercise, the workout will boost your metabolism considerably, according to However, like any fitness regimen, the number of calories burned varies from person to person depending on weight, sex, current fitness level, and how a hard a person works out. Still the massive weight loss and toning benefits of hip-swishing and shimmying make this dance workout one of the most popular today.

4. Jumping Rope: 780 calories per hour
Only got ten minutes? You can still squeeze in cardio with this highly effective activity, which can have you burning 130 calories every ten minutes (or 780 calories per hour). According to, you’d have to run an eight-minute mile to burn as many calories as jumping rope for the same amount of time, making it a good choice for someone who is starting a fitness regime and may not have the endurance to maintain a fast running speed for an extended period of time. If you have limited space and time, jumping rope is the most efficient way to see results. In addition, the high-impact nature of this workout means you’ll add bone mass, increasing your bone health, according to 24 Hour Fitness Club's Website and, while you lose fat.

Fitness Plans That Really Work

5. Aerobic Step Classes: 600 calories per hour
Aerobic step classes are high-intensity and high-impact, meaning you’ll burn fat and calories. The number of calories burned depends on how high the step is, but using just a six-inch platform can allow you to burn up to 600 calories in one hour-long class.

6. Running: 650 calories per hour
According to WebMD's calorie calculator, a 145-pound person who maintains a 10-minute mile for one hour can burn up to 650 calories. However, running consistently for an hour can be challenging if it isn't a part of your current exercise regimen. You can work up to this goal and increase your cardiovascular fitness by adding walking intervals throughout your workout. For instance, run for three minutes and then walk briskly for one minute. This practice will increase your endurance, lower your heart-rate recovery time, and burn fat.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Article: See Through the Health Halo

Good morning, everyone!

I know a lot of us not only have been trying to lose weight, but also to get healthier overall this year. I've cut out diet soda, my mom has stopped drinking her morning coffee, and Regina has cut out, well, everything!

I found this article on (one of my favorite websites) that suggests different substitutes for some of our guilty "diet" pleasures. I know that many times I have caught myself reaching for 100 calorie packs of processed junk food, which happen to be laden with fat, empty calories and tons of preservatives. Luckily, the change in the Weight Watchers PointsPlus system has made fruit a much easier choice.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, February 4, 2011

more mndt's

Michael, looks like we just got the answer!

Fitness Myth No. 1: Running on a treadmill puts less stress on your knees than running on asphalt or pavement.

"Running is a great workout, but it can impact the knees -- and since it's the force of your body weight on your joints that causes the stress, it's the same whether you're on a treadmill or on asphalt," says Todd Schlifstein, DO, a clinical instructor at New York University Medical Center's Rusk Institute.

The best way to reduce knee impact, says Schlifstein, is to vary your workout.

"If you mix running with other cardio activities, like an elliptical machine, or you ride a stationary bike, you will reduce impact on your knees so you'll be able to run for many more years," says Schlifstein.


Cayenne pepper aids in speeding up your metabolism much faster. When you take cayenne on a regular daily basis you can increase your metabolism some say as much as 25%.

The main active ingredient in cayenne pepper is capsaicin. It is said to be a "thermogenic chemical" which will help speed your metabolism and decrease your appetite. It's actually a wonderful herb. It not only can promote weight loss, but it does many other wonderful things such as: increase blood flow, maintains healthy blood pressure, increase your sex drive, may help reduce ulcers and promotes a healthy digestive system. Sounds good to me. And, btw, Michael it helps reduce the pain caused by gout because it's anti-imflamatory.

Cayenne pepper alone will not make you see the results of weight loss on it's own. You must maintain a HEALTHY diet, exercise on regular basis (3-5 days per week) and you must consume water and less calories. Within a month, you will most certain see results of a healthier you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


So I thought I would share a couple of things that may or may not be helpful from my cleanse. The first is that the author suggests you have your biggest meal in the middle of the day. That's when our digestion is the strongest. The morning should be small but packed with nutrients and dinner should be easy to digest before you go to sleep. Also make sure you give yourself a 12 hour window without anything to eat between your last meal of the day and breakfast the next morning. This way you give your body enough time to digest and cleanse before starting again. Just following these rules will help you loose weight, according to Dr Junger (author of Clean- the cleanse I'm on). Have a great weekend everyone!!!


I heard that apples stop you from buring this true?


I miss caffeine

So I gave up my morning (or some days its all day ) coffee this week. Yesterday I had a really bad headache and was a little cranky by afternoon, hopefully this will subside. I bought a product call Teeccino to replace the coffee and its so good. It has no caffeine, lots of flavor, is all herbal, and has a variety of flavors. YUM.


So, I'm so excited to say that I have lost 11 pounds now! I've been really good with eating and working out. Me and some friends bought the Jillian Michaels "No More Trouble Zones" video and its killer! It is definetly helping. My roommate pointing out to me yesterday that I need to buy smaller pants now, haha. That made my day! Only 9 more pounds and I will be half way to my goal (: Woohoo!


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

9 lbs. down and counting!!

Hello: I am happy to declare that I have lost 9 lbs so far. I can't believe how well I do on this cleanse. I know you all swear by WW but I have joined 7 times and cumulatively completed just around 2 weeks of it. I HATE IT!! I can't think in terms of points. Isn't it funny? I have given up gluten, corn, sugar, coffee, alcohol, beef, pork, white rice. I feel Fantastic though. Today I had a little bit of pita bread w/ some hummus and lamb and I have heart burn and felt really sluggish and tired again. As soon as I stop eating these things, my cravings go away and I don't get headaches or heartburn and my energy goes through the roof.

I just find it interesting that different things work for different people. I think my allergies have been a huge motivator for me to clean up my diet. It's not just about loosing weight for me. I feel horrible when I don't eat right. Sick, cranky, depressed, just awful. Even after I gave up all dairy, I still have had issues.

After next week or 21 days, I will start adding some things back slowly to see how I react. I really want to keep eating this way as much as possible. Napa will throw be back a ways but I'll just be as careful as I can and then return to it when I get back. I plan to do another three weeks in March and then continue eating on the plan.

The cleanse is 21 days of two liquid meals and a lunch following the rules stated above. The rest of the time I will try to follow the rules for all three meals. I did this at the beginning of the month and lost 6 pounds before even starting the cleanse so I think I will still get results. Not as fast, but like several of you mentioned, it's not a diet it's a life style. Thanks for the support. I'm feeling good about this. Now to get out and run again...YIKES :/
Cayenne pepper is the BEST! Very good for you....

Mom's's/Nana Diet Tips....MNDT's


Studies suggest eating protein in the morning will keep your hunger at bay longer than eating a bagel or other carbs. One egg has only 75 calories but packs 7 grams of high-quality protein, along with other vital nutrients. Bonci adds that your body will burn more calories digesting eggs than a carb-heavy breakfast. If you have high cholesterol, check with your doctor about how many eggs you can eat per week.

Week 2: Success!

This morning I am down 3.7 pounds from last week, putting me 8 pounds down in a month!!! In reality that may not seem like a big amount, but I feel like that is a big accomplishment for me with how crazy my schedule seems to be this quarter. I was honestly a little surprised at the scale this morning because this weekend was absolutely FULL of bad temptations. From going downtown, to steakhouses, to WINE tasting on Sunday!! But I made sure that even when I splurged that I counted every little thing that I had, and somehow that must have done it. Even though pretty much all of my weekly points were gone by the end of the weekend, I made sure not to go over that amount. I already have to have 1 point shaved off my Daily Target points. :( But lesser is better!

One other thing... I visited my doctor last week to tell her that I'm starting weight watchers officially, and she recommended me to try a couple appetite suppressants to help boost early weight loss alongside weight watchers. She only gave me 60 days worth, and neither of us want me to take more after that. I'm a little hesitant about it, since I've never wanted to try taking pills to lose weight, but I know that usually I do have really rough times starting out on weight watchers. I'm supposed to start them this Thursday, and she wants me coming in every three weeks to see how they are working and what my successes are. Any thoughts?

Monday, January 31, 2011

One Month Down

Well I must say I have only lost 7.5 pounds in a month. BOOHOO! on the flip side I can't remember the last time I commited to dieting or eating healthy for more than one day. So not as many pounds as I expected but certainly proud of the efforts to stick with it. Like mom said in one of her posts 1 to 2 pounds a week is healthy. Well then I gues with 4 weeks down I only have 30 more to go to get to my goal!! LOL Perhaps that is what they call it Life Style change, not dieting. Because there shouldn't be and end to eating healthy and excersising.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Good morning, I trust everyone is on their way to whatever plans you have made for today. I have another tip...good luck!

Tip No. 13: Lose weight slowly.

If you're losing weight but not as fast as you'd like, don't get discouraged. Dropping pounds takes time, just like gaining them did. Experts suggest setting a realistic weight loss goal of about one to two pounds a week. If you set your expectations too high, you may give up when you don’t lose weight fast enough. Remember, you start seeing health benefits when you've lost just 5%-10% of your body weight.

Yay, today!

I weighed in this morning at 152.2!!!!!!! For me, this was huge because when I weighed in at the first doctor's appointment I had when I found out I was pregnant with Gabriel I was at 152. It's been a looong time since I've seen that number consistently, or anything lower, for that matter. I'm totally committed today to keep this going!

What is everyone else doing this weekend to stay on plan?

Friday, January 28, 2011

I can't offer you all any're well ahead of me in weight loss and will power but, whenever I find something interesting, I will post it for all to read.

Focus on the Good Stuff

When making changes to your diet, try adding good foods rather than denying yourself bad ones. As you get used to eating more fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains, these foods may come to replace some of the less healthy choices.

A sports metaphor to sum up the benefits: you'll play better today and stay in the game longer.

How to Start Running

Stick to your New Year's resolution to get moving with these inspiring expert jogging tips.

By Matt McMillen

WebMD Feature

Reviewed by Michael W. Smith, MD

It's New Year's resolutions time! Is there anything more inspiring to bring out the runner in you? But before you lace up your shoes and start ticking off the miles, plan to kick things off slowly if you haven't been running lately. The road does not come without risks.

"Men tend to get injuries from overdoing it," says former Olympic runner Jeff Galloway, a columnist for Runner's World magazine and author of Women's Complete Guide to Running, which he co-wrote with his wife, Barbara. "Women don't push the envelope as much when they are starting out, but because they have lower bone density, they're more prone to stress fractures."

Recommended Related to Fitness & Exercise

The Mental Golf Game: Mind Over Putter

The mind is the most formidable opponent a golfer confronts, so mastering the game of mental golf is essential. The mind can be a golfer's best friend, helping to develop the mechanics of a smooth, reliable swing and devising clever strategies for moving the ball efficiently from the tee to the cup. But the mind also produces anxiety and tension, which can tighten

Anna Brickhouse, 42, has been running since she was a teenager. But the English professor and mother of two boys in Charlottesville, Va., effectively became a new runner after returning from a three-month trip in 2007. "Transitioning back into running with my group, I found it hard to keep up at first. Getting back into it was a process," she says.

Starting to Run Again

How to get back into the race? Start with your diet. To fuel a run, Galloway recommends keeping well hydrated by drinking at least 8 ounces of nonalcoholic liquid eight times a day and eating a small, sugar-boosting snack 30 minutes before you head out. He suggests half of an energy bar or a sports drink.

These days, Brickhouse logs anywhere from 18 to 23 miles a week. For her, running is the ideal way to stay in shape and keep connected with friends. "Women tend to respond better to running in groups," Galloway says. "It's very powerful for women; it helps keep them motivated."

Men, however, often run on their own. Galloway cautions them not to get overly enthusiastic early on. "Men who have not done any real exercise in 20 years and suddenly decide to run like they did in high school -- that's a formula for disaster."

The Walk-Run Ratio

Galloway, who works with runners at all ages and levels, teaches a technique that lets the body ease into its new type of motion. Beginning runners, he says, should run for 5 to 10 seconds out of every minute, walking the rest of each minute. Gradually, the walk/run ratio will shift as your muscles strengthen and your joints adjust.

Even in the beginning, when the bulk of your run time is spent walking, you are still getting a good workout. "Walking is the best cross-training," Galloway says. "And a lot of people progress to marathons in just six months."

Running Rules

Here are a few of runner Jeff Galloway's tips to keep you on the run and off the injured list.

Go for gain, not pain. "Follow the huff and puff rule: If you are huffing and puffing at the end of a run, you have overdone it," says Galloway, who advises a slow and easy approach to running. "The bottom line: You need to monitor your aches and pains."

Avoid runner's lows. Done incorrectly, running can cause a lot of discomfort and even injury, says Galloway. "People get discouraged and feel they are not designed for running. Really, they just need to correct their walk/run ratio [until it feels right]."

Run through it. Galloway and his wife have written two running books for women. "We went through a list of concerns with physicians and ob-gyns, such as menopause, PMS, and pregnancy," says Galloway. "Women can run through all of these things, though they will likely have to make individual adjustments to their routine.

Motivation to stay steady through the weekend

This week has been so-so; I've been unable to find time to work out but have been tracking consistently and wooo-have lost 2lbs because of it!

I'm sure most of you can relate; every weekend I vow to stay focused and track points and exercise. Generally speaking, it hasn't been happening recently for me. However, I'm hoping this weekend is different because Adrian is leaving early tomorrow with Gabriel to go camping in Carlsbad and it will just be me at the house. On Saturday night I will be playing in the alumni basketball game (lots of exercise!) and then on Sunday I'm working an event that will require me to be on my feet most of the time.

My goal for this weekend is simply just to track and stay with my allotted daily and free-49 points. I've made it this far through the week with a few successes and I want to continue that!

Good luck on meeting your goals this weekend, everyone!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

All time low

... on the scale that is!!! I set a goal for myself to hit my HS weight prior to all of this and then added ontop the goal of losing 5 lbs more with your support, well I am proud to say I have hit my HS weight and now have 10 lbs till I hit my goal. I BROKE 140 ON THE SCALE!!! I am looking to lose the weight, of course, so right now focusing on toning and building the lean muscle so I will be one hot lady!! HOpefully the pounds will just melt away. Look out I may just become the magically disappearing woman :)

The GOOD Days and The BAD Days

Good morning family!

So, yesterday was one of those days when you feel like your working so hard but the scale doesn't agree. Well, instead of feeling like that again today, I got my butt up and jogged two in a half miles and weighed myself. I think I almost broke my scale from jumping up and down when I saw I am down 9 pounds. I know there will be many more days like yesterday but its up to the next day to make it better. Like Tia Becky said when we have to pick ourselves back up. We should think of those days as motivation and encouragment to work harder for what we want. Well, time for you guys!

Teresa (:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ok, Ok, Ok Diana!!

Hello Everyone: I'm bbbaaaaaccckkk!!!!! So, yes I haven't been very active on this but to be honest, I fell off the wagon for a while. Once I realized that I couldn't do my cleanse until after my sales meeting, it just became too hard to stay focused. Now I'm back, started my official cleanse on Monday and have been doing great. So far this month, even w/ my fall out, I have lost 7 lbs. I'm happy about that. Now that I am doing my cleanse and feeling great I think I'll see even better results.

Now, about the exercise... I'm not quite there yet. My territory for work has grown by a lot. I now cover about 300-400 miles of territory and it's kicking my butt. I cover my county and then go east to Stockton all the way to Fresno. For those of you who don't know this area... you don't want to. Anyway, I leave early and come home late most days of the week. Plus I have to spend the night one night a week. booo hooo :(

Oh well. I can only do what I can. Atleast I am making progress...right????

Does anyone have trouble with their third week??

I hate this week of a diet, it can make you or break you. The first two weeks of a diet seem to go really well for me. Im motivated, planning ahead, and going strong. Third week comes and it never fails, I'm bored with the food, sick of planning and packing, and weak weak weak. Any tips for keeping up and staying on track?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I did it!!!

So I've been REALLY paying attention to my food intake and working harder at the gym. When Mike and I went on day 1 I could barely (and I mean BARELY) do 10 sit-ups on the sit-up bench and now I'm up to 20 with a 5lb medicine ball that we throw back and forth as I'm doing them. I AM ROCKIN IT!!! the scale says I'm down about 2 lbs since Christmas but I am definitely seeing the tone in my arms, legs, and working on the stomach. Hopefully (fingers crossed rally hard) I will be confident in my bikini by the time swimsuit season rolls around :)

Keep up the good work everyone!

A Little Frustrated

Well, TECHNICALLY I lost... a grand 1.2 pounds.

It is such irony that my first week of Weight Watchers had to go right through my midterms. I have three tests, one today, and two tomorrow. Even though I tried to work ahead and make it easier on myself, I still had my troubles that reflected on the scale this morning. I didn't work out this weekend, nor Monday... Even though I followed the program successfully, I feel like if I had exercised this weekend then it might have shown better. One of my biggest problems is always staying consistent when I am feeling stress or anxiety, and I am REALLY bad at it. This is the typical kind of weight loss I would have the past few years when I tried to do it alone, even on the first week of WW when you're supposed to lose MORE weight than usual... not less. And although in the past it was so unmotivating that I didn't last much longer after that, I know I have more support and motivation than that this time around (you guys!). So, I am looking forward to my midterms being over in a couple days and giving it another try. Hopefully Week 2 will be better.

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Week!

Good morning!

Well, the weekend workouts Tia Diana challenged all of us to was a success for me. I ran two miles on the ellyptical saturday and on sunday. Since it's a small little gym in my building and has a tv, me and my friend Melanie rented a movie from the front desk (Sixteen Candles) to watch while working out on the ellypticals. It took my attention away from the pain I felt in my legs, haha. I've been getting my friends to workout with me now. Also, I heard about this workout video called P90x, I don't know if anyone has it or has heard of it but it is a really intence workout! Look it up online! Works a lot on AB's!!! I want to buy it but I hear it's about $100..must mean it works though! Anyways, have a happy, healthy week everyone! Love you guys!


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weekend Successes Who's Got them???

Well I won't weigh in until tomorrow, but I did get my exercise in both days this weekend. Did better with food on Sunday then Saturday. But over all I think it was a good weekend. Will check in tomorrow with weight loss.

Friday, January 21, 2011

TGIF-Friday The Best and Worst Day of the Week

Friday is the BEST day of the week because we get to let loose of schedules and routines.

Friday is the WORST day of the week because we get to let loose of schedules and routines.

Lets keep it together this weekend and make it a successful one!

I challenge EVERYONE to workout Saturday and Sunday!!! Walk, treadmill, elliptical, Wii, whatever just do something. For those who can't get out here is a 30min boot camp routine you can do inside.

Do each item for 1 minute then repeat 3X

1. Jog in place or around your house/yard (cardio)
2. Push ups on the wall or ground(for a challenge)
3. Leg lunges rotate on each leg for the 1 minute
4. Jumping jacks (cardio)
5. Screamers- Standing up opposite elbow to knee crunching 30 seconds each side
6. Dips- Get a chair and squat with your hands at the end of the chair knees bent. Squat as low as you can and back up again.
7. Boxing in place (Cardio)
8. Crunches-on the ground knees up and do small crunches. Face ceiling-Pretend you have an apple on your neck so it is not bent.
9. Small arm circle forward
10.Skaters- pretend you are speed skating opposite hand to foot. other foot up in the air behind you like a skater would do from side to side.

Repeat 3x. For questions call

If anyone want to get together to do the bootcamp give me a call.
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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Flat Belly Tip No. 3: Don't Eat Too Fast.

Eating quickly and not chewing your food well can cause air swallowing that leads to bloating.

So slow down and enjoy your food. Your meals should last at least 30 minutes. Also, keep in mind that digestion begins in the mouth, and you can decrease bloating just by chewing your food more.

There's another benefit to slowing things down: When you take your time to thoroughly chew and taste your food, your snack or meal becomes more satisfying. And studies have shown that if you eat more slowly, you may end up eating less.

I don't know how many of you have 30 minutes for lunch, but maybe you can try this at dinner time.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

PointsPlus Program

I was wondering if anybody else that is on Weight Watchers was slightly confused on the new PointsPlus program? I know I haven't gone to meetings, it's all been online, so maybe you guys know something I don't...

I've held up two exact same boxes of pasta, one white, and one wheat, and they are the exact same amount of points. With the new system, the amount of fiber that is in the wheat pasta somehow weighs out the carbs that are in the white pasta. We don't get rewarded for fiber anymore??? I'll buy the light yogurt that was 2 points before, but now its three. The LIGHT yogurt is three points.

I guess my trouble is, I'm trying to find carbs like sandwich bread or granola bars that are low in points for lunches but the high fiber or wheat options take up just as many points as their 'less-healthy' counterparts. Any advice?

Why, oh why? the weekends kill my motivation so quickly? I have been doing really well during the weekdays. This past weekend we went to Laguna Beach to get away and I ate. And I ate. And I ATE. Needless to say, I was horrified by the scale on Tuesday morning (yes, I kept my mini-binge going through the holiday).

In spite of the crappy-food weekend I had, I still had a few small victories:
-I am finishing my ninth day of no Diet Coke
-I resisted a huge, fat, delicious chocolate chip cookie at work today
-I consciously decided not to have seconds yesterday
-I ate my daily serving of fruit and veggies today

Have a healthy day tomorrow!

Finally Here!

Hi everybody!!

I can't believe it's taken me this long to join, but I'm finally here! I came back to school on Sunday evening of January 1st, started class the next morning, and it's been complete chaos ever since. I think this blog is a great idea because everyone can stay connected even over distance. Like my mom said, I joined weight watchers in December, but once school started it was almost immediately pushed aside. I've had some crazy days, sometimes 12-14 hours just out running around between class, work, and social events and there was no chance to even PLAN meals let alone prepare them. I tried to watch portions and make better choices, and was really pleasantly surprised yesterday when I weighed 3.8 pounds less than I weighed in December! Sweet!

Now that I'm really cracking down, I've been able to find a lot of support in regards to diet and exercise. My roommate started her own flat-belly diet and even though we are not on the same diet, we compare recipes and try to help each other plan diet-friendly meals ahead of time so we don't crash and burn later. My boyfriend Daniel and I both made resolutions to get in shape, and so we've been trying to support each other in that, too. We both struggle getting up before class/work to exercise, and this morning when I wasn't feeling motivated to get up he actually called and got me to get up and go for a walk before class. It feels so great to have that kind of support, and it really makes me feel more confident that I can do this. After feeling totally overwhelmed in attempting to go to the gym for an hour every morning, I managed to find a short 30-minute walk around the block that is much easier to work into my schedule without losing hours of sleep. Even though thirty minutes isn't very much, my goal is to do it every day and when possible fit in afternoon/evening walks as well. Every little bit helps, right?

I already know packing my lunch the night before is key, and I've been trying to get back into that habit. I also want to try cooking dinners in multiple batches so when I am stumbling through the door at 8PM I can heat up something quickly. Those will definitely be some goals this week.

Anyway, I'll try to read more of your messages and post more frequently on here. Love you all, talk to you later!

<3 Katelin

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So, yesterday was originally supposed to be the first day of my diet and workout, however with my friends parents getting us Sonic, it didn't necessarily go my way with that one, but I did do really well the rest of the day with a grilled chicken salad for dinner. So today, my first run here and let me tell was NOT easy! I did a mile in a half run to the soccer fields, around the soccer fields, and then back to my dorm room. It was tough, but I know by running everyday it will get easier. Maybe even my asthma will go away! Also, after classes today I have zumba tonight...YAY! I lost a pound so far..wooohoo. Goodluck to everyone for the rest of the week!


Happy Birthday to Me!!

Well as of this morning it is offical....My birthday gift to myself was.... 4.5lbs! How special! I am now only down 2 lbs for the year. However, I have high hopes that the 4.5 will come off quickly this week now that I am back on track. BIRTHDAYS SUCK!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Everyone Should Be on Board Now

And no I don't mean on board a SHIP Rich & Bev!

Vacations are over and birthday celebrations have finished for the month. I don't think we have to worry about another holiday or birthday until mid Feb. Right. So let's take this opportunity to really "kill it" as Jessica said!

Everyone please check in and share your progress. For those who started 2 weeks ago or last week update us on your success for the week so far. Let's record our progress.

I for one really took this birthday celebration to heart! Ate whatever I wanted and drank like a fish. But come tomorrow morning I will weigh in and begin from there! I am going to boot camp every morning this week and will try the C25k again.



Thanks for all who came to my boot camp party. I guess I underestimated how much you all could do because after the work out was over I could tell you all "Killed It" and were ready for more! Go Team GONZO!

Becky I can't wait for your work out!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Diet/Workout time!

To be honest, I was kind of questioning this blog thing but after reading everyones I just want to get out and run!

I'm getting back to school tomorrow morning but also tomorrow will be the first day starting my diet. I'm going to try weight watchers as much as possible but mainly smaller proportion and eating healthier. After this blog, I am getting on my schools website to see what kind of foods I should start eating now (great advice from Jess...thanks!). Also, my new years resolution is running at least a mile a day especially if I want to be playing soccer next year. It's crazy because I'm actually excited to start dieting and getting in shape again. AWESOME!


Friday, January 14, 2011


OK, so a really great thing finally happened this morning. You all know I get up and work out just about every morning for the past months. WEll this morning during my workout my hubby decided today was the day...he got up and ran on the treadmill. He did really well (Good Job, Babe). And now all I can think is I can't wait until tomorrow so we can work out together again. Its really motivating to train with someone...Love you Mike

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Momma Said there'd be days like this.....

You know the rest of the song right????

Okay so great morning. Went to boot camp, breakfast was great. Came home for lunch to make my sanwich and then it happened.......NO MORE LUNCH MEAT UGHHHH!!!! What to do??? What to do??? (name the movie..same as last time). Well after heming and hauhing, I recovered and had leftovers, but didn't feel satisfied. Took a ton af fruit for snack (made me gassy) rushed home and went to a meeting that lasted 2hrs. I thought maybe 30 mins tops. Starving when I left and Andrew is starving and I still have to go to Costco at now 6:00. And this is where is happens. We went through Carl's Jr. drive through AHHHHHH!!! I ate a burger and EVERY FRENCH FRY in the box. And to be honest.....It tasted good. Now however I am not feeling it. Just disappointed.

I know it was because I went too long and like so often we eat whatever just to kill the hunger pangs. I am glad I have been planning more so those slip ups will be less frequent. :)


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The first couple days

I started back on WW on Sunday and I have to admit, I've been killing it! On Sunday, I ate really well, cleaned the garage and walked around the zoo for two hours. That night was weigh-in with my parents' little side bet and I was pleased to see that although I haven't lost any since Dec 25 (when I weighed in last on my Wii Fit), I also haven't gained. For me, that was a victory since the holidays are conducive to packing on the pounds.

Yesterday I didn't have time to fit in a work out, but I ate a healthy breakfast of oatmeal, fruit and coffee, and made Adrian and myself a healthy sandwich and snacks for lunch.

Today I was so busy at work that I didn't really have time to eat anyway -- I had cereal for breakfast, a sandwich and crackers for lunch and made WW tacos and black beans for dinner.

I would say this week has been successful thus far, though I really need to find time to get a work out of some sort in. I think tomorrow I'm going to try to wake up early and do some Wii Fit (I'm obsessed with boxing!).

Wish me luck!

Where are you???

Hey girl you haven't chimed in you ok???

Becky ???

Just Thinking

I think it would be easier to plan my dinner first (add a cocktail on the night's Paul is home) figure out the points and work from there for the rest of the day. Because last night at dinner somehow I only had 10 points left UGHHHH. WW people chime in. Is that what you do???


Also I realized things that I knew were 1 point I never bothered to recalculate. But found that they are now 2 & 3 points on the new WW plus. But all last week I still counted them as 1 point. So I must have been way off on some days!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Great Start....Feel good!

Woke up this morning raring to go...worked out...followed weight watchers all home....worked out with some yoga ( i really like yoga) and some other wii exercises. What to make for dinner?

Monday - not bad so far...

Okay, I was supposed to get out of the house today at 6 am to fit in a morning walk. Woke up late and contemplated staying in bed since I overslept anyways. Decided to walk even if I couldn't get the full walk in. It was cold and dark but Clyde and I walked at least a mile. Did I say it was cold and dark? All in all, a mile isn't great but it is definitely better than no walk at all. My goal is to move at least 30 minutes (minimum) every day. So far...So good:) Tomorrow I begin my Tues/Wed/Thurs evening workouts with the East County crew of Team Gonzo. Yahoo!

Manic Depression

That is what it feels like after a week.

I am pumped up because I have lost 4 pounds since last Monday! YEAH
I am bummed out because I gained 1.5 pounds since Friday! BOO-Hoo

I am pumped up because I bought a bunch of fruit, breakfasts are easy! YEAH
I am bummed out because sanwhiches and salads are boring and then there is dinner! What to do, What to do?? (name the Movie) BOO-Hoo

I am pumped up because I have been working out almost daily! YEAH
I am bummed because my body aches!!! BOO-Hoo

I am pumped up that we are doing this together! YEAH
I am bummed because now I am accountable! BOO-Hoo

Are you getting the picture?????

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tip for this week!

I saw this on the "Get Healthy" segment from the Today Show with Hoda and Kathie Lee.

Prior to eating breakfast, drink 1-2 cups of hot green tea with lemon. This will curb the appetite and promotes good digestion throughout the day. They also recommended drinking a full glass of water with a slice of lemon 30 minutes prior to every meal. If you are a green tea drinker (like me) you can continue drinking it all day. The lemon slice in both the tea and water is key.

Good luck in the upcoming week!

This where I get discouraged!!

I lost every day mon-fri. and now the last 2 days nothing, not even a half pound, yet I have been sticking with the program. But I start to feel like ughhh just eat what you want it doesn't matter! HELP! I am really gradified with instant results and when I don't get them, it makes me mad!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Let's Do This!!!

Hi Everyone! So I joined a gym this week so that I can start to train and also because Mike has been pushing me to join with him, I gave in. Day 1 in the gym kicked my butt and I was sore today at work- a good sore, but still sore. Day 2 of the gym will probably be tomorrow after work or Monday after I drop Matt off at school.

Hope everyone is excited as I am!

Hi Everyone!

OK, so today I had a BOD meeting at a pizza parlour.  I love pizza and this was going to be way too much temptation.  My plan, sit as far away as possible AND try to fit into my "skinny" capri jeans.  I did it!!!!!! Without laying down or holding my breathe, I did the pants up while standing in my closet. 

With no room for an extra slice, I held tight to the 1 slice of BBQ chicken with onion and green pepper pizza, sat away from the temptation, and won.

Now, I have week 2 printed and am ready to take on the buffet line on the cruise.  Watch out . . . I am woman hear me roar!  Name that song?

Posting with your own name

Hi everyone,

I have sent you all invitations to be "authors" for this blog. In order to have your name show at the bottom, you need to accept the invitation I sent you through Blogger and create your own google log-in if you don't already have one. You will not be signing in through the log-in, you will use your own personal google account (which can be created by using whatever your e-mail address is, you don't actually have to create a new google email. You just have to register yours with Google to allow blogger to work). If you have any questions, let me know!

On a side note, Teresa, Adrian and myself are completely vegging out today and using it as an opportunity to muster up the energy to hit this fitness and health commitment full force tomorrow, which coincidentally is the weigh-in for my family's side bet that we have going on. Maybe we'll play some wii golf later, too ;)

Happy Saturday and good luck this week!

Saturday-Shopping Day

I am off to Costco to get all the fruit I can eat in a week.  The fruit has really saved me.  Took Julia to softball tryouts today and while there did my c25k run.  Next week I start week 2 of c25k. 

Bloggers get to blogging!!!!!


Friday, January 7, 2011

Not such a good day today!! :-/

Well I must confess that this was a day of backslides. I ate wrong at lunch but expected to recover with my dinner and workout later. Unfortunately it just went from bad to worse. I came home tired to find Ed home, unexpectedly. He was supposed to work for someone today but the guy ended up coming in the afternoon to relieve him. So that was exciting for me and Santiago. But, not exciting enough to make me feel like cooking so I suggested we go out for sushi. Long story short, i didnt make good food choices. After, no workout happened either. Bummer.

Oh well, no need to beat myself up. Tomorrow is another day to start anew. As long as I have more good days then bad in a week, I will consider it a success. So I thought it was important to be honest and report my Bad days along with my good days. Wish me better luck tomorrow :0). I wish you all good luck right back.

I feel Good!!!

Okay its Friday! I got up and went to boot camp.  It sucked! Too hard for 5:30am.  But now I feel good!  Looking forward to a good day!  See some of you tonight and we can check in and get all you vacationers started!!!


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fortune Cookie

Okay do today under diress I went out to lunch with my coworkers.  Kinda freaked because they wanted to do chinese UGHHH!  So on my cool driod, I went to the weight watchers website, and plugged in california rolls.  I was able to eat lunch without using an entire days points! YAHOO!

But in my fortune cookie the message was :

"A smooth, but long journey! Have Great Expectations!"

I think that is a sign!!!!!  Its a sign! (name the movie????)


P.S. Did day 3 of couch to 5K   YAHOO!!

How to tell if you are eating real food

Thought this was pretty cool. Enjoy, Reg :0)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 2 Run for Reg

Ok so I did NOT want to get out the door today. It was dark and cold and I was really tired. However, I knew I would hate myself for skipping yet another day. So, I turned on my little app and my music and off I went with my jacket, hat and gloves.

Btw I highly recommend the newest Black Eyed Peas CD. As soon as I heard "Showdown", I was glad I was out. it's a great song to get you going.

Anyway, it went a lot smoother this time. Every time I heard myself thinking that my legs couldn't take anymore, I would remind myself that "the mind gives up way before the body needs to". It kept me going and I felt a great sense of accomplishment when I was done. I'm thrilled that I got out the door today.

The quote that was on my app for today's run was: "if you want to become the best runner you can be, start now. Don't spend the rest of your life wondering if you can do it." -Priscilla Welch So I'm proud to say. "I've started" :)

Good luck everyone!!! Remember to get out the door. You won't regret it, but you will regret not doing it.


Woke up with terrible cramps and blatter infection!!!!  Tried to get up to go to bootcamp, but being hunched over while trying to get dressed led me to believe I wouldn't be able to get through the class. YA THINK!  Will stay on track with eating today and drinking Diet Cranberry juice.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Disneyland Half Marathon

Just found this:

Disneyland® Half Marathon

September 2-4, 2011

Registration will be open for the 2011 Disneyland® Half Marathon Weekend on January 3, 2011.

Just so you know....

A minute of running takes much longer than 90seconds of walking!! :)



Okay no bootcamp this morning because I am doing day 3 of C25K after school with the kids.  Breakfast again was easy.  No rainy day schedule so lunch should be easy too.  Fruit is packed and ready to go.  Talk to you later.


How to train for your first marathon even if you are out of shape

Here is something else I just found that I thought might be helpful. Enjoy -Reg

Monday, January 3, 2011

Couch to 5k Training Schedule

Ok so here is the link to C25K or Couch to 5k. This way you can just download and print the schedule and tips yourselves. Good luck everyone. Hope your new year plans are going well. Can't wait to hear from you. -Reg

Great Start!

Bootcamp 5:30 am (ughhhh!) CHECK
6 point healthy breakfast with milk CHECK
Healthy lunch packed for rainy day schedule at school (double UGHHHH!) CHECK
WHOOOHOOO!!! I can do this!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

I survived my first run! By Reg

OK so, I'm not gonna lie, it was hard. I started out strong feeling confident and maybe a little cocky thinking my body would remember 20 years ago when I considered myself a "runner". It didn't. My confidence quickly vanished when i actually had to start running. I had only done the warm up walk at this point. Throughout the course of the C25k workout I wanted to throw up, I thought I was going to cough up a lung and several times I wanted to quit and start again "tomorrow". None of those things happened. I kept going and soon realized I was almost home. Then I heard my C25k app say "Congratulations you are half way there". Oh no!!! I turned the opposite way and kept going. At the end I realized that I can do this. I just have to keep going and shut off the voices in my head that want to tell me otherwise. When I finished I felt a great sense of accomplishment. I read this quote after:

"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do" by Johnathan Wolfgang Von Goethe

Now let me know how you are doing. Take care everyone!!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

The Tompkins Family just did our first C25K training at JMMS track!  Yahoo!  Now I need a nap.